▼ doc | |
▼ examples | |
► basic | |
gen-acyclic-graph.cpp | |
manual.cpp | |
subgraph-planarizer.cpp | |
► layout | |
energybased.cpp | |
hierarchical-ranking.cpp | |
hierarchical.cpp | |
hypergraph.cpp | |
multilevelmixer.cpp | |
orthogonal.cpp | |
► special | |
check-build-mode.cpp | |
system-info.cpp | |
porting | |
relnotes | |
▼ include | |
▼ ogdf | |
► augmentation | |
► planar | |
PALabel.h | Declares auxiliary structure of planar augmentation algorithms |
AugmentationModule.h | Declaration of interface for graph augmentation algorithms |
DfsMakeBiconnected.h | Provides a simple, dfs-based algorithm for biconnectivity augmentation |
PlanarAugmentation.h | Declaration of ogdf::PlanarAugmentation |
PlanarAugmentationFix.h | Declaration of ogdf::PlanarAugmentation |
► basic | |
► graph_generators | |
deterministic.h | Declaration of deterministic graph generators |
operations.h | Declaration of graph operations |
randomGeographicalThresholdGraph.h | Implements graph generator for random geographical threshold graphs |
randomHierarchy.h | Declaration of the Random Hierarchy graph generator |
randomized.h | Declaration of randomized graph generators |
► heap | |
BinaryHeap.h | Implementation of binary heap class that allows the decreaseT operation |
BinomialHeap.h | Implementation of binomial heap data structure |
FibonacciHeap.h | Implementation of Fibonacci heap data structure |
HeapBase.h | Interface for heap implementations |
HotQueue.h | Implementation of Heap-on-Top data structure |
PairingHeap.h | Implementation of pairing heap data structure |
RadixHeap.h | Implementation of radix heap data structure |
RMHeap.h | Implementation of randomized meldable heap data structure |
► internal | |
config.h | Basic configuration file |
config_autogen.h | |
graph_iterators.h | Decralation of graph iterators |
intrinsics.h | Include of header files for SSE-intrinsics |
list_templates.h | Implementation of algorithms as templates working with different list types |
version.h | |
► memory | |
MallocMemoryAllocator.h | Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory |
PoolMemoryAllocator.h | Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory |
► pqtree | |
PQBasicKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQBasicKey |
PQBasicKeyRoot.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQBasicKeyRoot |
PQInternalKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQInternalKey |
PQInternalNode.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQInternalNode |
PQLeaf.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQleaf |
PQLeafKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQLeafKey |
PQNode.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQNode |
PQNodeKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQNodeKey |
PQNodeRoot.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQNodeRoot |
AdjacencyOracle.h | Declaration of ogdf::AdjacencyOracle class |
AdjEntryArray.h | Declaration and implementation of AdjEntryArray class |
Array.h | Declaration and implementation of Array class and Array algorithms |
Array2D.h | Declaration and implementation of class Array2D which implements dynamic two dimensional arrays |
ArrayBuffer.h | Declaration and implementation of ArrayBuffer class |
Barrier.h | Implementation of a thread barrier |
basic.h | Basic declarations, included by all source files |
BoundedQueue.h | Declaration and implementation of bounded queue class |
CombinatorialEmbedding.h | Declaration of CombinatorialEmbedding and face |
comparer.h | Declarations for Comparer objects |
DisjointSets.h | Implementation of disjoint sets data structures (union-find functionality) |
DualGraph.h | Includes declaration of dual graph class |
EdgeArray.h | Declaration and implementation of EdgeArray class |
EdgeComparer.h | Declares EdgeComparer class |
EdgeComparerSimple.h | Declares EdgeComparerSimple class |
EpsilonTest.h | Compare floating point numbers with epsilons and integral numbers with normal compare operators |
exceptions.h | Definition of exception classes |
extended_graph_alg.h | Declaration of extended graph algorithms |
FaceArray.h | Declaration and implementation of FaceArray class |
FaceSet.h | Declaration and implementation of ogdf::FaceSet |
geometry.h | Declaration of classes GenericPoint, GenericPolyline, GenericLine, GenericSegment, DPolygon, DRect, DIntersectableRect |
GF2Solver.h | Defines class GF2Solver, which represents a solver for linear equation systems over GF(2) |
Graph.h | Includes declaration of graph class |
Graph_d.h | Pure declaration header, find template implementation in Graph.h |
graph_generators.h | Declaration of graph generators |
GraphAttributes.h | Declaration of class GraphAttributes which extends a Graph by additional attributes |
GraphCopy.h | Declaration of graph copy classes |
graphics.h | Declaration of basic types for graphics |
GraphList.h | Decralation of GraphElement and GraphList classes |
GraphObserver.h | Abstract base class for structures on graphs, that need to be informed about graph changes (e.g |
GridLayout.h | Declaration of class GridLayout |
GridLayoutMapped.h | Declaration of class GridLayoutMapped which extends GridLayout by a grid mapping mechanism |
HashArray.h | Declaration and implementation of HashArray class |
HashArray2D.h | Declaration of class HashArray2D |
Hashing.h | Declaration of classes used for hashing |
HashIterator2D.h | Declaration of class HashIterator2D |
IncNodeInserter.h | Declaration of class IncNodeInserter |
Layout.h | Declaration of class Layout |
LayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms (class LayoutModule) |
LayoutStandards.h | Declares class LayoutStandards which specifies default / standard values used in graph layouts |
LayoutStatistics.h | Declares class LayoutStatistics which provides various functions for computing statistical measures of a layout |
List.h | Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators |
Logger.h | Contains logging functionality |
Math.h | Mathematical Helpers |
memory.h | Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory |
MinHeap.h | Declares & Implements Binary Heap, and Top10Heap |
Module.h | Declares base class for all module types |
NearestRectangleFinder.h | Declaration of class NearestRectangleFinder |
NodeArray.h | Declaration and implementation of NodeArray class |
NodeSet.h | Declaration and implementation of ogdf::NodeSet |
PQTree.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQTree |
precondition.h | Declaration of functions for drawing module precondition handling |
PreprocessorLayout.h | Preprocessor Layout simplifies Graphs for use in other Algorithms |
PriorityQueue.h | Priority queue interface wrapping various heaps |
Queue.h | Declaration and implementation of list-based queues (classes QueuePure<E> and Queue<E>) |
Reverse.h | Implementation of the Reverse class for the reverse iteration of containers |
simple_graph_alg.h | Declaration of simple graph algorithms |
Skiplist.h | Declaration of class Skiplist |
SList.h | Declaration of singly linked lists and iterators |
SortedSequence.h | Data type for sorted sequences (based on skiplists) |
STNumbering.h | Declaration of st-Numbering functions |
Stopwatch.h | Declaration of stopwatch classes |
SubsetEnumerator.h | A class that allows to enumerate k-subsets |
System.h | Decalration of System class which provides unified access to system information |
Thread.h | Declaration of Thread class representing threads |
Timeouter.h | Declares base class for modules with timeout functionality |
tuples.h | Declaration and implementation of class Tuple2, Tuple3 and Tuple4 |
► clique | |
CliqueFinderHeuristic.h | Declares ogdf::CliqueFinderHeuristic class |
CliqueFinderModule.h | Declares ogdf::CliqueFinderModule class |
CliqueFinderSPQR.h | Declares ogdf::CliqueFinderSPQR class |
► cluster | |
► internal | |
basics.h | Declaration of the master class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
ChunkConnection.h | Implementation of initial cut-constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
ClusterKuratowskiConstraint.h | Declaration of a constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
ClusterPQContainer.h | Declaration of ClusterPQContainer |
CP_MasterBase.h | Declaration of base class for master of Branch&Cut based algorithms for c-planarity testing via an extension to complete connectivity |
CPlanarEdgeVar.h | Declaration of the variable class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
CPlanarityMaster.h | Declaration of the CPlanarityMaster class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for c-planarity testing via an extension to complete connectivity |
CPlanaritySub.h | Declaration of the sub-problem class for the Branch&Cut&Price algorithm for the c-planarity problem |
CPlanarSubClusteredST.h | Declaration of CPlanarSubClusteredST class |
CutConstraint.h | Declaration of a constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
EdgeVar.h | Declaration of the variable class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
MaxCPlanarMaster.h | Declaration of the master class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
MaxCPlanarSub.h | Declaration of the sub-problem class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem Contains separation algorithms as well as primal heuristics |
MaxPlanarEdgesConstraint.h | Declaration of a constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
MinimalClusterConnection.h | Declaration of an initial constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
CconnectClusterPlanar.h | Cluster Planarity tests and Cluster Planar embedding for C-connected Cluster Graphs |
CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed.h | Cluster planarity tests and cluster planar embedding for c-connected clustered graphs |
ClusterAnalysis.h | Declaration of the ClusterAnalysis class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for c-planarity testing via an extension to complete connectivity |
ClusterArray.h | Declaration and implementation of ClusterArray class |
ClusterGraph.h | Derived class of GraphObserver providing additional functionality to handle clustered graphs |
ClusterGraphAttributes.h | Declares ClusterGraphAttributes, an extension of class GraphAttributes, to store clustergraph layout informations like cluster cage positions and sizes that can be accessed over the cluster/cluster ID |
ClusterGraphCopyAttributes.h | Declares ClusterGraphCopyAttributes, which manages access on copy of an attributed clustered graph |
ClusterGraphObserver.h | Abstract base class for structures on graphs, that need to be informed about cluster graph changes |
ClusterOrthoLayout.h | Declares ClusterOrthoLayout which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm for c-planar c-connected Clustergraphs |
ClusterOrthoShaper.h | Computes the Orthogonal Representation of a Planar Representation of a UML Graph using the simple flow approach |
ClusterPlanarity.h | Declaration of a c-planarity testing algorithm, based on a completely connected graph extension |
ClusterPlanarizationLayout.h | Declaration of class ClusterPlanarizationLayout Planarization approach for cluster graphs |
ClusterPlanarModule.h | Declaration of ClusterPlanarModule which implements a c-planarity test |
ClusterPlanRep.h | Declaration of ClusterPlanRep class, allowing cluster boundary insertion and shortest path edge insertion |
ClusterSet.h | Declaration and implementation of class ClusterSetSimple, ClusterSetPure and ClusterSet |
CPlanarEdgeInserter.h | Declares CPlanarEdgeInserter class |
CPlanarSubClusteredGraph.h | Declaration of CPlanarSubClusteredGraph class |
CPlanarSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of an interface for c-planar subgraph algorithms |
HananiTutteCPlanarity.h | Defines class HananiTutteCPlanarity, which represents a c-planarity test based on the Hanani-Tutte theorem |
LayoutClusterPlanRepModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms for UML diagrams (used in planarization approach) |
MaximumCPlanarSubgraph.h | Declaration of an exact c-planar subgraph algorithm, i.e., a maximum c-planar subgraph is computed using a branch and cut approach |
► decomposition | |
BCTree.h | Declaration of class BCTree |
DynamicBCTree.h | Declaration of class DynamicBCTree |
DynamicPlanarSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class DynamicPlanarSPQRTree |
DynamicSkeleton.h | Declaration of class DynamicSkeleton |
DynamicSPQRForest.h | Declaration of class DynamicSPQRForest |
DynamicSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class DynamicSPQRTree |
PertinentGraph.h | Declaration of class PertinentGraph |
PlanarSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarSPQRTree |
Skeleton.h | Declaration of class Skeleton |
SPQRTree.h | Declaration of class SPQRTree |
StaticPlanarSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class StaticPlanarSPQRTree |
StaticSkeleton.h | Declaration of class StaticSkeleton |
StaticSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class StaticSPQRTree |
► energybased | |
► davidson_harel | |
Attraction.h | Declares class Attraction |
EnergyFunction.h | Declares class EnergyFunction.. |
NodePairEnergy.h | Declares class NodePairEnergy which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the each pair of nodes |
Overlap.h | Declaration of class Overlap which implements an energy function that gives a penalty for each pair of overlapping vertices |
Planarity.h | Declaration of class Planarity which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the number of crossings |
PlanarityGrid.h | Declaration of class PlanarityGrid which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the number of crossings |
Repulsion.h | Declaration of class Repulsion which implements an enrgy function, where the energy of the layout grows with the proximity of the vertices |
UniformGrid.h | Declaration of class UniformGrid |
► dtree | |
DTree.h | |
DTreeEmbedder.h | |
DTreeForce.h | |
DTreeForceTypes.h | |
DTreeWSPD.h | |
GalaxyLevel.h | |
utils.h | |
► fast_multipole_embedder | |
ArrayGraph.h | Declaration of class ArrayGraph |
ComplexDouble.h | Definition of class ComplexDouble for fast complex number arithmetic |
EdgeChain.h | Datastructures for edge chains itself and the edge chains of nodes |
FastUtils.h | Definition of utility functions for FME layout |
FMEFunc.h | Definitions of various auxiliary classes for FME layout |
FMEFunctional.h | Definitions of functors used in FME layout |
FMEKernel.h | Declaration of FME kernel |
FMEMultipoleKernel.h | Declaration of class FMEMultipoleKernel |
FMEThread.h | Declaration of class FMEThread |
GalaxyMultilevel.h | Declaration of class GalaxyMultilevelBuilder |
LinearQuadtree.h | Declaration of class LinearQuadtree |
LinearQuadtreeBuilder.h | Declaration of class LinearQuadtreeBuilder |
LinearQuadtreeExpansion.h | Declaration of class LinearQuadtreeExpansion |
WSPD.h | Declaration of class WSPD (well-separated pair decomposition) |
► fmmm | |
► maar_packing | |
PackingRowInfo.h | Declaration of class PackingRowInfo |
Rectangle.h | Declaration of class Rectangle |
► multilevel | |
Edge.h | Declaration of class Edge |
Node.h | Auxiliary data structure for (node,int) pair |
► new_multipole_method | |
ParticleInfo.h | Declaration of class ParticleInfo |
QuadTreeNM.h | Declaration of class QuadTreeNM |
QuadTreeNodeNM.h | Declaration of class QuadTreeNodeNM |
common.h | Auxiliary functions for FMMM to reduce code duplication |
EdgeAttributes.h | Declaration of class EdgeAttributes |
FMMMOptions.h | Declaration of Fast Multipole Multilevel Method (FM^3) options |
FruchtermanReingold.h | Declaration of class FruchtermanReingold (computation of forces) |
MAARPacking.h | Implementation of class MAARPacking (used by FMMMLayout) |
Multilevel.h | Declaration of class Multilevel (used by FMMMLayout) |
NewMultipoleMethod.h | Declaration of class NewMultipoleMethod (NMM) |
NodeAttributes.h | Declaration of class NodeAttributes |
numexcept.h | Declaration of class numexcept (handling of numeric problems) |
Set.h | Declaration of class Set |
► multilevel_mixer | |
BarycenterPlacer.h | Places nodes at the barycenter of his neighbors |
CirclePlacer.h | Places nodes on a circle around the barycenter of its neighbors |
EdgeCoverMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
IndependentSetMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
InitialPlacer.h | Abstract InitialPlacer places the nodes of the level into the next |
LocalBiconnectedMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
MatchingMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
MedianPlacer.h | Places nodes at the position of the merge-partner |
ModularMultilevelMixer.h | MMM is a Multilevel Graph drawing Algorithm that can use different modules |
MultilevelBuilder.h | Declaration of MultilevelBuilder |
MultilevelGraph.h | MLG is the main data structure for ModularMultilevelMixer |
MultilevelLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms that allow calls with a MultilevelGraph parameter (class MultilevelLayoutModule) |
RandomMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
RandomPlacer.h | Places nodes at the position of the merge-partner |
ScalingLayout.h | ScalingLayout scales and calls a secondary layout |
SolarMerger.h | Merges nodes with solar system rules |
SolarPlacer.h | Places Nodes with solar system rules |
ZeroPlacer.h | Places nodes at the position of the merge-partner |
► spring_embedder | |
common.h | Common implementations of force models for SpringEmbedder algorithms |
MasterBase.h | Declaration and definition of ogdf::spring_embedder::MasterBase |
SEGV_ForceModel.h | Declarations of force-models for Spring-Embedder algorithm |
SpringEmbedderBase.h | Declaration and definition of ogdf::SpringEmbedderBase |
WorkerBase.h | Declaration and definition of ogdf::spring_embedder::WorkerBase |
DavidsonHarel.h | Declares class DavidsonHarel which implements the Davidson-Harel approach for drawing graphs |
DavidsonHarelLayout.h | Declares class DavidsonHarelLayout, which is a front-end for the DavidsonHarel class |
DTreeMultilevelEmbedder.h | |
FastMultipoleEmbedder.h | Declaration of Fast-Multipole-Embedder layout algorithm |
FMMMLayout.h | Declaration of Fast Multipole Multilevel Method (FM^3) |
ForceLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for energy-based layout algorithms (class ForceLayoutModule) |
GEMLayout.h | Declaration of class GEMLayout |
MultilevelLayout.h | Declaration of class MultilevelLayout which realizes a wrapper for the multilevel layout computation using the Modular Multilevel Mixer |
NodeRespecterLayout.h | Declaration of class NodeRespecterLayout |
PivotMDS.h | Declaration of the pivot MDS |
SpringEmbedderFRExact.h | Declaration of ogdf::SpringEmbedderFRExact |
SpringEmbedderGridVariant.h | Declaration of ogdf::SpringEmbedderGridVariant |
SpringEmbedderKK.h | Declaration of ogdf::SpringEmbedderKK |
SpringForceModel.h | Declaration of SpringForceModel enumeration |
StressMinimization.h | Declaration of stress minimized layout based on majorization |
TutteLayout.h | Declaration of ogdf::TutteLayout |
► external | |
abacus.h | Includes Abacus |
coin.h | Definition of ogdf::CoinManager |
Minisat.h | Declaration of class Minisat |
► fileformats | |
DLParser.h | Declaration of UCINET DL format parser class |
DOT.h | DOT related enums and string conversion functions |
DotLexer.h | Declares stuff related to DOT format lexical analysis |
DotParser.h | Declarations for DOT Parser |
GDF.h | Declarations for GDF file format |
GdfParser.h | Declarations for GDF Parser |
GEXF.h | GEXF related enums and string conversion functions |
GexfParser.h | Declaration of GEXF format reading utilities |
GML.h | GML related enums and string conversion functions |
GmlParser.h | Declaration of classes gml::Object and gml::Parser |
GraphIO.h | Declares class GraphIO which provides access to all graph read and write functionality |
GraphML.h | GraphML related enums and string conversion functions |
GraphMLParser.h | Declarations for GraphML Parser |
SvgPrinter.h | Generator for visualizing graphs using the XML-based SVG format |
TikzWriter.h | Generator for visualizing graphs using LaTeX/TikZ |
Tlp.h | Declaration of TLP string conversion functions |
TlpLexer.h | Declares a TLP file format lexer class and related structures |
TlpParser.h | TLP format parser utility declaration |
TsplibXmlParser.h | Parser for TSPLIB instances in XML format |
Utils.h | Declaration of useful methods for processing various fileformats |
► geometric | |
► cr_min | |
► datastructure | |
Iterators.h | |
OGDFVector.h | |
TimestampFlags.h | |
UnionFind.h | |
► geometry | |
► algorithm | |
BloatedDual.h | |
CGALPlanarSubdivision.h | |
CollinearTriple.h | |
CountCrossings.h | |
ExtractCellFromBloatedDual.h | |
LargestCircleInPolygon.h | |
MapBoxTriangulation.h | |
PerturbPolygon.h | |
PlanarSubdivision.h | |
RandomPointInPolygon.h | |
RestrictedTriangulation.h | |
► objects | |
Circle.h | |
Cone.h | |
Direction.h | |
Geometry.h | |
Line.h | |
LineSegment.h | |
Point.h | |
Polygon.h | |
Polyline.h | |
Ray.h | |
Rectangle.h | |
Vector.h | |
Window.h | |
► graph | |
► algorithms | |
BFS.h | |
Dijkstra.h | |
► geometric_crossing_min | |
CrossingMinimalPosition.h | |
CrossingMinimalPositionRnd.h | |
CrossingMinimalRegion.h | |
RandomPoint.h | |
BloatedDual.h | |
Drawing.h | |
GeometricDrawing.h | |
ogdf_iterator.h | |
OGDFFaceWrapper.h | |
OGDFGraphWrapper.h | |
Path.h | |
PolylineDrawing.h | |
► tools | |
► ogdf | |
Converter.h | |
Universal.h | |
GeogebraExporter.h | |
math.h | |
CrossingMinimalPosition.h | Computes a position that induces a minimal number of crossings for a given vertex and straight-line drawing |
GeometricEdgeInsertion.h | In the Geometric Edge Insertion Approach we iteratively insert a given set of edges into a drawing of a graph |
GeometricVertexInsertion.h | In the Geometric Vertex Insertion Approach we iteratively insert a given set of vertices into a drawing of a graph |
RandomVertexPosition.h | Computes a random position for a given vertex |
VertexMovement.h | In the VertexMovement Approach the vertices are moved one by one to its optimal position |
VertexOrder.h | Computes an vertex order based on the number of crossings in a given (straight-line) drawing |
VertexPositionModule.h | Optimal Vertex Position interface |
► graphalg | |
► planar_separator | |
SeparatorDualHelper.h | Declaration of class SeparatorDualHelper |
► steiner_tree | |
► goemans | |
Approximation.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::Approximation class template |
BlowupComponents.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::BlowupComponents class template |
BlowupGraph.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::BlowupGraph class template |
CoreEdgeModule.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::CoreEdgeModule class template |
CoreEdgeRandomSpanningTree.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::CoreEdgeRandomSpanningTree class template |
common_algorithms.h | Algorithms used by at least two functions of Steiner tree code or its internal helpers |
EdgeWeightedGraph.h | Declaration of class EdgeWeightedGraph |
EdgeWeightedGraphCopy.h | Extends the GraphCopy concept to weighted graphs |
Full2ComponentGenerator.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full2ComponentGenerator class template |
Full3ComponentGeneratorEnumeration.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorEnumeration class template |
Full3ComponentGeneratorModule.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorModule class template |
Full3ComponentGeneratorVoronoi.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorVoronoi class template |
FullComponentDecisions.h | Definition of the FullComponentDecisions class |
FullComponentGeneratorCaller.h | Definition of the FullComponentGeneratorCaller class template |
FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner class template |
FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix class template |
FullComponentStore.h | Definition of the FullComponentStore class template |
HeavyPathDecomposition.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree:HeavyPathDecomposition class template |
LPRelaxationSER.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::LPRelaxationSER class template |
Save.h | Interface for various LCA methods |
SaveDynamic.h | A weighted tree as auxiliary data structure for contraction based algorithms |
SaveEnum.h | Implementation of the staticTree option for calculating save edges in Zelikovsky's 11/6-approximation |
SaveStatic.h | Implementation of the staticLCATree option for calculating save edges in Zelikovsky's 11/6-approximation |
Triple.h | Definition of a Triple used in contraction-based approximation algorithm for the minimum Steiner tree problem |
AStarSearch.h | Implementation of the A* informed search algorithm |
Clusterer.h | Declaration of Clusterer class that computes a clustering for a given graph based on the local neighborhood structure of each edge |
ClustererModule.h | Declaration of interface for clustering algorithms that compute a clustering for a given graph based on some structural or semantical properties |
ConnectivityTester.h | Class for computing the connectivity of a graph |
ConvexHull.h | Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators |
Dijkstra.h | Implementation of Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm |
EdgeIndependentSpanningTrees.h | Declaration of ogdf::EdgeIndependentSpanningTrees |
GraphReduction.h | Declaration and implementation of GraphReduction class reduces by Leaves & Chains |
Matching.h | Declares simple matching functions |
MaxAdjOrdering.h | Calculate one or all Maximum Adjacency Ordering(s) of a given simple undirected graph |
MaxFlowEdmondsKarp.h | Implementation of Edmonds-Karp max-flow algorithm |
MaxFlowGoldbergTarjan.h | Declaration and implementation of Goldberg-Tarjan max-flow algorithm with global relabeling and gap relabeling heuristic |
MaxFlowModule.h | Interface for Max Flow Algorithms |
MaxFlowSTPlanarDigraph.h | Max-Flow on s-t-planar graphs (s and t lie on the boundary of the outer face) via shortest paths in the dual |
MaxFlowSTPlanarItaiShiloach.h | Implementation of the maximum flow algorithm for s-t-planar graphs by Alon Itai and Yossi Shiloach (See "Maximum Flow in Planar Networks", p.135, 1979, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) |
MaximumDensitySubgraph.h | Declares maximum density subgraph algorithms |
MinCostFlowModule.h | Definition of ogdf::MinCostFlowModule class template |
MinCostFlowReinelt.h | Definition of ogdf::MinCostFlowReinelt class template |
MinimumCutModule.h | Declaration of ogdf::MinimumCutModule |
MinimumCutNagamochiIbaraki.h | Calculate minimum cut value for a given Graph |
MinimumCutStoerWagner.h | Declaration and implementation of ogdf::MinimumCutStoerWagner |
MinSTCutBFS.h | Declaration of min-st-cut algorithm which calculates the min-st-cut of an st-planar graph by doing a BFS on the dual graph (class MinSTCutDFS) |
MinSTCutDijkstra.h | MinSTCutDijkstra class template |
MinSTCutMaxFlow.h | Declaration of min-st-cut algorithms parameterized by max-flow alorithm |
MinSTCutModule.h | Template of base class of min-st-cut algorithms |
MinSteinerTreeDirectedCut.h | Classes for solving the Steiner tree problem exactly with a branch&cut algorithm |
MinSteinerTreeDualAscent.h | Implementation of an approxmiation algorithm for Steiner tree problems given by Richard T |
MinSteinerTreeGoemans139.h | Implementation of an LP-based 1.39+epsilon Steiner tree approximation algorithm by Goemans et al |
MinSteinerTreeKou.h | Declaration and implementation of the class computing a 2(1-1/l) minimum Steiner tree approximation according to the algorithm of Kou et al |
MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h | Implementation of Mehlhorn's minimum Steiner tree 2(1-1/l)-approximation algorithm |
MinSteinerTreeModule.h | Declaration of ogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule |
MinSteinerTreePrimalDual.h | Implementation of an approxmiation algorithm for Steiner tree problems provided by Michel X |
MinSteinerTreeRZLoss.h | Implementation of the 1.55-approximation algorithm for the Minimum Steiner Tree problem by Robins and Zelikovsky |
MinSteinerTreeShore.h | Implementation of Shore, Foulds and Gibbons' branch and bound algorithm for solving minimum Steiner tree problems |
MinSteinerTreeTakahashi.h | Implementation of the 2(1-1/l)-approximation algorithm for the minimum Steiner tree problem by Matsuyama and Takahashi |
MinSteinerTreeZelikovsky.h | Implementation of Zelikovsky's 11/6-approximation algorithm for the minimum Steiner tree problem |
ModifiedNibbleClusterer.h | Implementation of a fast and simple clustering algorithm, Modified Nibble Clusterer |
PageRank.h | Declaration of basic page rank |
PlanarSeparatorModule.h | Declaration of base class of all planar separator algorithms |
SeparatorDual.h | Declaration of class SeparatorDual |
SeparatorDualFC.h | Declaration of class SeparatorDualFC, which applies the Fundamental Cycle Lemma directly to obtain a cycle |
SeparatorHarPeled.h | Declaration of class SeparatorHarPeled |
SeparatorLiptonTarjan.h | Declaration of class SeparatorLiptonTarjan |
SeparatorLiptonTarjanFC.h | Declaration of class SeparatorLiptonTarjanFC |
ShortestPathAlgorithms.h | Declaration of several shortest path algorithms |
ShortestPathModule.h | Declaration of base class of shortest path algorithms including some useful functions dealing with shortest paths flow (generater, checker) |
ShortestPathWithBFM.h | Declaration of class ShortestPathWithBFM which computes shortest paths via Bellman-Ford-Moore |
SpannerBasicGreedy.h | Implementation of the basic greedy (2k-1)-spanner algorithm of Althöfer et al |
SpannerBaswanaSen.h | Implementation of the random cluster-based k-spanner algorithm of Baswana and Sen 2007 |
SpannerBerman.h | Implementation of an k-spanner approximation algorithm from Berman et al |
SpannerBermanDisconnected.h | Implementation of an k-spanner approximation algorithm from Berman et al |
SpannerElkinNeiman.h | Implementation of the random k-spanner algorithm of Elkin and Neiman 2018 |
SpannerIteratedWrapper.h | A wrapper class for iterating calls to spanner algorithms |
SpannerKortsarzPeleg.h | Implementation of the 2-spanner approximation algorithm of Kortsarz and Peleg 1994 |
SpannerModule.h | Basic module for spanner algorithms |
SteinerTreeLowerBoundDualAscent.h | Definition of the ogdf::SteinerTreeLowerBoundDualAscent class template |
SteinerTreePreprocessing.h | Definition of the ogdf::SteinerTreePreprocessing class template |
Triconnectivity.h | Declares class Triconnectivity which realizes the Hopcroft/Tarjan algorithm for finding the triconnected components of a biconnected multi-graph |
Voronoi.h | Definition of ogdf::Voronoi class template |
► hypergraph | |
EdgeStandardRep.h | A declaration of EdgeStandardRep class representing a graph representation of a hypergraph in the edge standard form |
Hypergraph.h | Declaration and a partial implementation of a Hypergraph class partly based on the original classes for handling hypergraphs written by Martin Gronemann |
HypergraphArray.h | Declaration and implementation of hyperraph array classes based on Node/EdgeArray classes written by Carsten Gutwenger, but slightly modified (base class is common for both arrays) |
HypergraphAttributes.h | Declares HypergraphAttributes storing specific attributes related to hypergraph layout drawings |
HypergraphLayout.h | Layout algorithms for hypergraph based on edge standard representations (clique / star / tree) - HypergraphLayoutES |
HypergraphLayoutModule.h | Declaration of an interface for hypergraph layout algorithms |
HypergraphObserver.h | Abstract base class for observers on hypergraphs, that need to be informed about hypergraph changes (e.g |
► labeling | |
ELabelInterface.h | Provide an interface for edge label information |
ELabelPosSimple.h | Declaration of class ELabelPosSimple which represents a simple labeling algorithm |
► layered | |
AcyclicSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of interface for acyclic subgraph algorithms |
BarycenterHeuristic.h | Declaration of class BarycenterHeuristic |
BlockOrder.h | Declaration of BlockOrder and related classes |
CoffmanGrahamRanking.h | Declaration of coffman graham ranking algorithm for Sugiyama algorithm |
CrossingMinInterfaces.h | Declaration of interfaces used in Sugiyama framework |
CrossingsMatrix.h | Declaration of class CrossingsMatrix |
DfsAcyclicSubgraph.h | Declaration of class DfsAcyclicSubgraph |
ExtendedNestingGraph.h | Declaration of ExtendedNestingGraph |
FastHierarchyLayout.h | Declaration and implementation of the third phase of sugiyama |
FastSimpleHierarchyLayout.h | Declaration of the FastSimpleHierarchyLayout (third phase of sugiyama) |
GreedyCycleRemoval.h | Declaration of class GeedyCycleRemoval |
GreedyInsertHeuristic.h | Declaration of class GreedyInsertHeuristic |
GreedySwitchHeuristic.h | Declaration of class GreedySwitchHeuristic |
GridSifting.h | Declaration of classes GridSifting and GlobalSifting |
Hierarchy.h | Declaration of Hierarchy class |
HierarchyClusterLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for hierarchy layout algorithms (3 |
HierarchyLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface hierarchy layout algorithms (3 |
HierarchyLevels.h | Declaration of HierarchyLevels class |
LayerByLayerSweep.h | Declaration of interface for two-layer crossing minimization algorithms |
LayeredCrossMinModule.h | Declaration of interface for two-layer crossing minimization algorithms |
Level.h | Declaration and implementation of Level class |
LongestPathRanking.h | Declaration of hierachrical ranking algorithm |
MedianHeuristic.h | Declaration of class MedianHeuristic |
OptimalHierarchyClusterLayout.h | Declaration of the optimal third phase of the sugiyama algorithm for clusters |
OptimalHierarchyLayout.h | Declaration and implementation of the optimal third phase of the Sugiyama algorithm |
OptimalRanking.h | Declaration of optimal ranking algorithm for Sugiyama algorithm |
RankingModule.h | Declaration of interface for ranking algorithms |
SiftingHeuristic.h | Declaration of class SiftingHeuristic |
SplitHeuristic.h | Declaration of class SplitHeuristic |
SugiyamaLayout.h | Declaration of Sugiyama algorithm |
► lib | |
► abacus | |
abacusroot.h | |
active.h | |
active.inc | |
bheap.h | |
bheap.inc | |
boundbranchrule.h | This class implements a branching rule for modifying the lower and the upper bound of a variable |
bprioqueue.h | Bounded priority queue |
bprioqueue.inc | |
branchrule.h | Base class for branching rules |
column.h | Column |
colvar.h | Colvar |
conbranchrule.h | Branching rule for constraints |
conclass.h | Constraint classification |
constraint.h | Constraint |
convar.h | Constraints and variables |
csense.h | Csense |
cutbuffer.h | Cutbuffer |
cutbuffer.inc | |
fixcand.h | Candidates for fixing |
fsvarstat.h | Status of fixed and set variables |
global.h | Global |
hash.h | Hash table |
hash.inc | |
history.h | Solution history |
infeascon.h | Infeasible constraints |
lp.h | Linear program |
lpmaster.h | Lp master |
lpmasterosi.h | Osi master |
lpsolution.h | Lpsolution |
lpsolution.inc | |
lpsub.h | Linear program of a subproblem |
lpsubosi.h | |
lpvarstat.h | Status of variables |
master.h | Master of the optimization |
nonduplpool.h | Standard pool without constraint duplication |
nonduplpool.inc | |
numcon.h | Constraint defined by a number |
numvar.h | Variable identified by a number |
opensub.h | Open subproblems |
optsense.h | Sense of optimization |
osiif.h | |
osiinclude.h | |
pool.h | |
poolslot.h | Poolslot |
poolslot.inc | |
poolslotref.h | Poolslotref |
poolslotref.inc | |
ring.h | Ring |
ring.inc | |
row.h | Row |
rowcon.h | Constraint using row |
separator.h | Separator |
separator.inc | |
setbranchrule.h | Branching rule for setting |
slackstat.h | Status of slack variables |
sparvec.h | Sparse vector |
srowcon.h | Constraint using row with static variable set |
standardpool.h | Standard pool |
standardpool.inc | |
sub.h | |
tailoff.h | Tailing off manager |
valbranchrule.h | Branching rule for values |
variable.h | Variable |
vartype.h | Vartype |
► backward | |
backward.hpp | |
► mapbox | |
mapbox_earcut.h | |
► minisat | |
► core | |
Solver.h | |
SolverTypes.h | |
► mtl | |
Alg.h | |
Alloc.h | |
Heap.h | |
IntTypes.h | |
Map.h | |
Queue.h | |
Sort.h | |
Vec.h | |
XAlloc.h | |
► simp | |
SimpSolver.h | |
► utils | |
Options.h | |
ParseUtils.h | |
► pugixml | |
pugiconfig.h | |
pugixml.h | |
► lpsolver | |
LPSolver.h | Coin implementation of class LPSolver |
► misclayout | |
BalloonLayout.h | Declaration of class BalloonLayout |
BertaultLayout.h | Declaration of class BertaultLayout |
CircularLayout.h | Declares class CircularLayout |
LinearLayout.h | This class is a simple layout that places nodes next to each other and draws edges as bows above the nodes |
ProcrustesSubLayout.h | Declares ogdf::ProcrustesSubLayout |
► orthogonal | |
► edge_router | |
NodeInfo.h | Declaration of class NodeInfo |
► internal | |
CommonCompactionConstraintGraphBase.h | Declares ogdf::CommonCompactionConstraintGraphBase |
RoutingChannel.h | Declaration of class RoutingChannel which maintains required size of routing channels and separation, cOverhang |
CompactionConstraintGraph.h | Declares CompactionConstraintGraph |
EdgeRouter.h | Declaration of EdgeRouter.. |
FlowCompaction.h | Contains constructive and improvement compaction by applying computation of min-cost flow in the dual of the constraint graphs |
LongestPathCompaction.h | Contains constructive and improvement compaction by applying computation of longest paths in constraint graphs |
MinimumEdgeDistances.h | Declaration of class MinimumEdgeDistances which maintains minimum distances between attached edges at a vertex (deltas and epsilons) |
OrthoLayout.h | Declaration of class OrthoLayout which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm |
OrthoRep.h | Declaration of orthogonal representation of planar graphs |
OrthoShaper.h | Computes the orthogonal representation of a planar representation of a UML graph using the simple flow approach |
► packing | |
CCLayoutPackModule.h | Declaration of interface for algorithms that arrange/pack layouts of connected components |
ComponentSplitterLayout.h | Splits and packs the components of a Graph |
SimpleCCPacker.h | Declaration of ogdf::SimpleCCPacker |
TileToRowsCCPacker.h | Declaration of class TileToRowsCCPacker |
► planarity | |
► booth_lueker | |
EmbedIndicator.h | Declaration of the class EmbedIndicator |
EmbedPQTree.h | Declaration of the class EmbedPQTree |
IndInfo.h | Declaration of the class EmbedKey |
PlanarLeafKey.h | Declaration of class PlanarLeafKey |
PlanarPQTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarPQTree |
► boyer_myrvold | |
BoyerMyrvoldInit.h | Declaration of the class BoyerMyrvoldInit |
BoyerMyrvoldPlanar.h | Declaration of the class BoyerMyrvoldPlanar |
FindKuratowskis.h | Declaration of the class FindKuratowskis |
► embedder | |
ConnectedSubgraph.h | Computes a connected subgraph G' of G containing node n |
CrossingStructure.h | Declaration of class CrossingStructure |
EmbedderBCTreeBase.h | Definition of ogdf::EmbedderBCTreeBase |
EmbedderMaxFaceBiconnectedGraphs.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFaceBiconnectedGraphs |
EmbedderMaxFaceBiconnectedGraphsLayers.h | Computes an embedding of a biconnected graph with maximum external face |
LayersBlockEmbedder.h | Computes an embedding of a biconnected graph with maximum external face |
MDMFLengthAttribute.h | Definition of MDMFLengthAttribute |
► embedding_inserter | |
CrossingsBucket.h | Definition of CrossingsBucket class template |
FixEdgeInserterCore.h | Declaration of class FixEdgeInserterCore and FixEdgeInserterUMLCore, which are the implementation classes for edge insertion with fixed embedding |
VarEdgeInserterCore.h | Declaration of class VarEdgeInserterCore and VarEdgeInserterUMLCore, which are the implementation classes for edge insertion with variable embedding |
VarEdgeInserterDynCore.h | Declaration of class VarEdgeInserterCore and VarEdgeInserterUMLCore, which are the implementation classes for edge insertion with variable embedding |
► planar_subgraph_fast | |
MaxSequencePQTree.h | Declaration and definition of the class MaxSequencePQTree |
PlanarSubgraphPQTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphPQTree |
whaInfo.h | Declaration of class whaInfo |
► planarization_layout | |
CliqueReplacer.h | Handling of clique replacement in planarization layout |
BoothLueker.h | Declaration of BoothLueker which implements a planarity test and planar embedding algorithm |
BoyerMyrvold.h | Declaration of the wrapper class of the Boyer-Myrvold planarity test |
CrossingMinimizationModule.h | Declaration of CrossingMinimization Module, an interface for crossing minimization algorithms |
EdgeInsertionModule.h | Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms |
EdgeTypePatterns.h | Edge types and patterns for planar representations |
EmbedderMaxFace.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFace |
EmbedderMaxFaceLayers.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFaceLayers |
EmbedderMinDepth.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepth |
EmbedderMinDepthMaxFace.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthMaxFace |
EmbedderMinDepthMaxFaceLayers.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthMaxFaceLayers |
EmbedderMinDepthPiTa.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthPiTa |
EmbedderModule.h | Defines ogdf::EmbedderModule |
EmbedderOptimalFlexDraw.h | The algorithm computes a planar embedding with minimum cost |
ExtractKuratowskis.h | Declaration of the class ExtractKuratowskis |
FixedEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserter |
KuratowskiSubdivision.h | Declaration of KuratowskiSubdivion class |
LayoutPlanRepModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms (used in planarization approach) |
MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple.h | Declaration of class MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple |
MaximumPlanarSubgraph.h | Declaration of class MaximumPlanarSubgraph |
MMCrossingMinimizationModule.h | Declaration of MMCrossingMinimization Module, an interface for minor-monotone crossing minimization algorithms |
MMEdgeInsertionModule.h | Declaration of interface for minor-monotone edge insertion algorithms |
MMFixedEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class MMFixedEmbeddingInserter |
MMSubgraphPlanarizer.h | Declaration of class MMSubgraphPlanarizer |
MMVariableEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class MMVariableEmbeddingInserter |
MultiEdgeApproxInserter.h | Declaration of class MultiEdgeApproxInserter |
NodeTypePatterns.h | Declaration of node types and patterns for planar representations |
NonPlanarCore.h | Declaration of class NonPlanarCore which represents the non-planar core reduction for biconnected graphs |
PlanarityModule.h | Declaration of PlanarityModule |
PlanarizationGridLayout.h | Declaration of planarization with grid layout |
PlanarizationLayout.h | Declaration of class PlanarizationLayout |
PlanarizerChordlessCycle.h | Declaration of class PlanarizerChordlessCycle |
PlanarizerMixedInsertion.h | Declaration of class PlanarizerMixedInsertion |
PlanarizerStarReinsertion.h | Declaration of class PlanarizerStarReinsertion |
PlanarSubgraphBoyerMyrvold.h | Declaration of the subgraph wrapper class of the Boyer-Myrvold planarity test |
PlanarSubgraphCactus.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphCactus |
PlanarSubgraphEmpty.h | Declaration and Implementation of class PlanarSubgraphEmpty |
PlanarSubgraphFast.h | Declaration of the PlanarSubgraphFast |
PlanarSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar subgraph algorithms |
PlanarSubgraphTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphTree |
PlanarSubgraphTriangles.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphTriangles |
PlanRep.h | Declaration of a base class for planar representations of graphs and cluster graphs |
PlanRepExpansion.h | Declaration of class PlanRepExpansion representing a planarized representation of the expansion of a graph |
PlanRepInc.h | Declaration of class PlanRepInc |
PlanRepLight.h | Declaration of class PlanRepLight |
RemoveReinsertType.h | Definition of RemoveReinsertType (used for postprocessing in edge insertion algorithms) |
SimpleEmbedder.h | A simple embedder algorithm |
SimpleIncNodeInserter.h | Declaration of class SimpleIncNodeInserter |
StarInserter.h | Declaration of class StarInserter |
SubgraphPlanarizer.h | Declaration of class SubgraphPlanarizer |
TopologyModule.h | Declaration of class TopologyModule |
VariableEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserter |
VariableEmbeddingInserterBase.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterBase |
VariableEmbeddingInserterDyn.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterDyn |
► planarlayout | |
► mixed_model_layout | |
IOPoints.h | Declaration of classes InOutPoint and IOPoints which implement the management of in-/out-points |
MixedModelBase.h | Base functionality of Mixed-Model layout algorithm |
MMOrder.h | Declaration of shelling order used by the Mixed-Model layout algorithm |
BiconnectedShellingOrder.h | Declares the class BiconnectedShellingOrder.. |
BitonicOrdering.h | Declares the class BitonicOrdering.. |
FPPLayout.h | Declaration of the Fraysseix, Pach, Pollack Algorithm (FPPLayout) algorithm |
GridLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for grid layout algorithms |
LeftistOrdering.h | Declares the class LeftistOrdering.. |
MixedModelCrossingsBeautifierModule.h | Declaration of interface for mixed-model crossings beautifier algorithms |
MixedModelLayout.h | Declaration of Mixed-Model layout algorithm |
MMCBBase.h | Declaration of base class for certain Mixed-Model crossings beautifier |
MMCBDoubleGrid.h | Declaration of a Mixed-Model crossings beautifier that uses grid doubling |
MMCBLocalStretch.h | Declaration of a Mixed-Model crossings beautifier that local stretching |
PlanarDrawLayout.h | Declaration of class PlanarDrawLayout which represents a planar straight-line drawing algorithm |
PlanarStraightLayout.h | Declaration of class PlanarStraightLayout which represents a planar straight-line drawing algorithm |
SchnyderLayout.h | Declaration of the Schnyder Layout Algorithm (SchnyderLayout) algorithm |
ShellingOrder.h | Declares classes ShellingOrderSet and ShellingOrder |
ShellingOrderModule.h | Declares the base class ShellingOrderModule for modules that compute a shelling order of a graph |
TriconnectedShellingOrder.h | Declares the class TriconnectedShellingOrder.. |
► simultaneous | |
SimDraw.h | Base class for simultaneous drawing |
SimDrawCaller.h | Offers variety of possible algorithm calls for simultaneous drawing |
SimDrawColorizer.h | Offers colorizer for SimDraw |
SimDrawCreator.h | Offers variety of possible SimDraw creations |
SimDrawCreatorSimple.h | Offers simple SimDraw creations |
SimDrawManipulatorModule.h | Module for simdraw manipulator classes |
TwoLayerCrossMinSimDraw.h | Declaration of interface for two-layer crossing minimization algorithms for Simultaneous Drawing |
► tree | |
LCA.h | The Sparse Table Algorithm for the Least Common Ancestor problem as proposed by Bender and Farach-Colton |
RadialTreeLayout.h | Declaration of linear time layout algorithm for free trees (class RadialTreeLayout) |
TreeLayout.h | Declaration of linear time layout algorithm for trees (TreeLayout) based on Walker's algorithm |
► uml | |
FixedEmbeddingInserterUML.h | Declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserterUML |
LayoutPlanRepUMLModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms for UML diagrams (used in planarization approach) |
OrthoLayoutUML.h | Declaration of class OrthoLayoutUML which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm for mixed-upward embedded graphs |
PlanarizationLayoutUML.h | Declaration of class PlanarizationLayoutUML |
PlanRepUML.h | Declaration of class PlanRepUML |
SubgraphPlanarizerUML.h | Declaration of class SubgraphPlanarizerUML |
UMLCrossingMinimizationModule.h | Declaration of CrossingMinimization Module, an interface for crossing minimization algorithms |
UmlDiagramGraph.h | Contains the class UmlDiagramGraph which represents one particular diagram of the complete UML Model |
UMLEdgeInsertionModule.h | Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms |
UMLGraph.h | Declaration of class UMLGraph |
UMLLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms for UML diagrams |
UmlModelGraph.h | Contains the class UmlModelGraph which represents the complete UML Model in a graph like data structure |
VariableEmbeddingInserterDynUML.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterDynUML |
VariableEmbeddingInserterUML.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterUML |
► upward | |
► internal | |
UpSAT.h | Declaration of class UpSAT, which implements the upward-planarity testing formulations based on satisfiability (Chimani, Zeranski, 2012+) |
UpwardPlanarityEmbeddedDigraph.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanarityEmbeddedDigraph, which implements the upward-planarity testing algorithm for digraphs with a fixed embedding by Bertolazzi et al |
UpwardPlanaritySingleSource.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanaritySingleSource, which implements the upward-planarity testing and embedding algorithm for single-source digraphs by Bertolazzi et al |
DominanceLayout.h | Declaration of dominance layout algorithm |
ExpansionGraph.h | Declares class ExpansionGraph.. |
FaceSinkGraph.h | Declaration of class FaceSinkGraph |
FixedEmbeddingUpwardEdgeInserter.h | Declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserterOld |
FUPSModule.h | Declaration of Feasible Upward Planar Subgraph (FUPS) Module, an interface for subgraph computation |
FUPSSimple.h | Declaration of the FUPSSimple |
LayerBasedUPRLayout.h | Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm |
MaximalFUPS.h | Declaration of class MFUPS, which implements the maximal feasible upward planar subgraph computation based on satisfiability (Chimani, Zeranski, 2012+) |
SubgraphUpwardPlanarizer.h | Declaration of class SubgraphUpwardPlanarizer |
UPRLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms for a UpwardPlanRep |
UpwardEdgeInserterModule.h | Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms |
UpwardPlanarity.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanarity, which implements different types of algorithms testing upward planarity of graphs with different restrictions |
UpwardPlanarizationLayout.h | Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm |
UpwardPlanarizerModule.h | Declaration of UpwardPlanarizer Module, an interface for upward planarization algorithms |
UpwardPlanarSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of interface for upward planar subgraph algorithms |
UpwardPlanarSubgraphSimple.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanarSubgraphSimple which computes an upward planar subgraph by using upward planarity testing |
UpwardPlanRep.h | Declaration of a base class for planar representations of graphs and cluster graphs |
VisibilityLayout.h | Declaration of visibility layout algorithm |