42namespace cluster_planarity {
56 void printMe(std::ostream& out)
override {
59 <<
") ZF=" <<
obj() <<
Declaration of the variable class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph prob...
Pure declaration header, find template implementation in Graph.h.
Contains logging functionality.
The master of the optimization.
virtual double obj() const
Returns the objective function coefficient.
Class for the representation of nodes.
CPlanarEdgeVar(abacus::Master *master, double obj, double lbound, node source, node target)
void printMe(std::ostream &out) override
virtual ~CPlanarEdgeVar()
CPlanarEdgeVar(abacus::Master *master, double obj, node source, node target)
static MultilevelBuilder * getDoubleFactoredZeroAdjustedMerger()
The namespace for all OGDF objects.