#include <ogdf/cluster/internal/MaxCPlanarSub.h>
Public Member Functions | |
MaxCPlanarSub (abacus::Master *master) | |
MaxCPlanarSub (abacus::Master *master, abacus::Sub *father, abacus::BranchRule *branchRule, List< abacus::Constraint * > &criticalConstraints) | |
virtual | ~MaxCPlanarSub () |
virtual abacus::Sub * | generateSon (abacus::BranchRule *rule) override |
Returns a pointer to an object of a problem specific subproblem, which is generated from the current subproblem by branching rule rule. | |
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Sub (Master *master, double conRes, double varRes, double nnzRes, bool relativeRes=true, ArrayBuffer< PoolSlot< Constraint, Variable > * > *constraints=nullptr, ArrayBuffer< PoolSlot< Variable, Constraint > * > *variables=nullptr) | |
Creates the root node of the enumeration tree. | |
Sub (Master *master, Sub *father, BranchRule *branchRule) | |
Creates a non-root node of the enumeration tree. | |
virtual | ~Sub () |
The destructor only deletes the sons of the node. | |
Active< Constraint, Variable > * | actCon () const |
Returns a pointer to the currently active constraints. | |
Active< Variable, Constraint > * | actVar () const |
Returns a pointer to the currently active variables. | |
virtual int | addBranchingConstraint (PoolSlot< Constraint, Variable > *slot) |
Adds a branching constraint to the constraint buffer. | |
int | addConBufferSpace () const |
Can be used to determine the maximal number of the constraints which still can be added to the constraint buffer. | |
int | addVarBufferSpace () const |
Can be used to determine the maximal number of the variables which still can be added to the variable buffer. | |
bool | ancestor (const Sub *sub) const |
Returns true if this subproblem is an ancestor of the subproblem sub, false otherwise. | |
BranchRule * | branchRule () const |
Returns a pointer to the branching rule of the subproblem. | |
Constraint * | constraint (int i) const |
Returns a pointer to the i-th active constraint. | |
double | dualBound () const |
Returns a bound which is "better" than the optimal solution of the subproblem w.r.t. the sense of the optimization. | |
void | dualBound (double x) |
Sets the dual bound of the subproblem. | |
const Sub * | father () const |
Returns a pointer to the father of the subproblem in the branch-and-bound tree. | |
bool | forceExactSolver () const |
Returns whether using the exact solver is forced. | |
FSVarStat * | fsVarStat (int i) const |
Returns a pointer to the status of fixing/setting of the i-th variable. | |
int | id () const |
Returns the identity number of the subproblem. | |
void | ignoreInTailingOff () |
Can be used to control better the tailing-off effect. | |
double | lBound (int i) const |
Can be used to access the lower of an active variable of the subproblem. | |
void | lBound (int i, double l) |
Sets the local lower bound of variable i to l. | |
int | level () const |
Returns the level of the subproblem in the branch-and-bound tree. | |
double | lowerBound () const |
Returns a lower bound on the optimal solution of the subproblem. | |
LpSub * | lp () const |
Returns a pointer to the linear program of the subproblem. | |
LPVARSTAT * | lpVarStat (int i) const |
Returns a pointer to the status of the variable i in the last solved linear program. | |
Master * | master () |
Returns the master of the optimization. | |
const Master * | master () const |
Returns the const master of the optimization. | |
int | maxCon () const |
Returns the maximum number of constraints which can be handled without reallocation. | |
void | maxIterations (int max) |
Sets the maximal number of iterations in the cutting plane phase. | |
int | maxVar () const |
Returns the maximum number of variables which can be handled without reallocation. | |
int | nCon () const |
Returns the number of active constraints. | |
int | nDormantRounds () const |
double | nnzReserve () const |
Returns the additional space for nonzero elements of the constraint matrix when it is passed to the LP-solver. | |
int | nVar () const |
Returns the number of active variables. | |
bool | objAllInteger () const |
Tests if all active variables and objective function coefficients are integer. | |
bool | relativeReserve () const |
virtual void | removeCon (int i) |
Adds a single constraint to the set of constraints which are removed from the active set at the beginning of the next iteration. | |
virtual void | removeCons (ArrayBuffer< int > &remove) |
Adds constraints to the buffer of the removed constraints. | |
void | removeVar (int i) |
Remove variable i from the set of active variables. | |
void | removeVars (ArrayBuffer< int > &remove) |
Removes the variables in remove from the set of active variables. | |
SlackStat * | slackStat (int i) const |
Returns a pointer to the status of the slack variable i in the last solved linear program. | |
STATUS | status () const |
Returns the status of the subproblem optimization. | |
double | uBound (int i) const |
Can be used to access the upper of an active variable of the subproblem. | |
void | uBound (int i, double u) |
Sets the local upper bound of variable i to u. | |
double | upperBound () const |
Returns an upper bound on the optimal solution of the subproblem. | |
Variable * | variable (int i) const |
Returns a pointer to the i-th active variable. | |
double | xVal (int i) const |
Returns the value of the i-th variable in the last solved linear program. | |
double | yVal (int i) const |
Returns the value of the i-th dual variable in the last solved linear program. | |
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virtual | ~AbacusRoot () |
The destructor. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
int | addPoolCons (ArrayBuffer< abacus::Constraint * > &cons, abacus::StandardPool< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > *pool) |
Adds the given constraints to the given pool. | |
bool | checkCConnectivity (const GraphCopy &support) |
Checks if the cluster induced graphs and their complement are connected in the current solution. | |
bool | checkCConnectivityOld (const GraphCopy &support) |
int | clusterBags (ClusterGraph &CG, cluster c) |
virtual bool | feasible () override |
Must check the feasibility of a solution of the LP-relaxation. | |
node | getRepresentative (node v, NodeArray< node > &parent) |
run through the pointer list parent and return the representative i.e. the node with parent[v] == v | |
virtual int | improve (double &primalValue) override |
Can be redefined in order to implement primal heuristics for finding feasible solutions. | |
virtual int | makeFeasible () override |
The default implementation of makeFeasible()does nothing. | |
virtual int | optimize () override |
Performs the optimization of the subproblem. | |
virtual int | pricing () override |
Should generate inactive variables which do not price out correctly. | |
int | repair () |
virtual int | selectBranchingVariable (int &variable) override |
Chooses a branching variable. | |
virtual int | selectBranchingVariableCandidates (ArrayBuffer< int > &candidates) override |
Selects candidates for branching variables. | |
virtual int | separate () override |
Must be redefined in derived classes for the generation of cutting planes. | |
int | separateCutPool (abacus::StandardPool< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > *pool, double minViolation) |
int | separateReal (double minViolate) |
these functions are mainly reporting to let abacus think everthing is normal. | |
int | separateRealO (double minViolate) |
virtual int | solveLp () override |
Solves the LP-relaxation of the subproblem. | |
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virtual void | activate () |
Can be used as an entrance point for problem specific activations. | |
virtual int | addCons (ArrayBuffer< Constraint * > &constraints, Pool< Constraint, Variable > *pool=nullptr, ArrayBuffer< bool > *keepInPool=nullptr, ArrayBuffer< double > *rank=nullptr) |
Tries to add new constraints to the constraint buffer and a pool. | |
virtual int | addCons (ArrayBuffer< PoolSlot< Constraint, Variable > * > &newCons) |
Adds constraints to the active constraints and the linear program. | |
virtual int | addVars (ArrayBuffer< PoolSlot< Variable, Constraint > * > &newVars) |
Adds both the variables in newVars to the set of active variables and to the linear program of the subproblem. | |
virtual int | addVars (ArrayBuffer< Variable * > &variables, Pool< Variable, Constraint > *pool=nullptr, ArrayBuffer< bool > *keepInPool=nullptr, ArrayBuffer< double > *rank=nullptr) |
Tries to add new variables to the variable buffer and a pool. | |
virtual void | basicConEliminate (ArrayBuffer< int > &remove) |
Retrieves all dynamic constraints having basic slack variable. | |
bool | betterDual (double x) const |
Returns true if x is better than the best known dual bound of the subproblem, false otherwise. | |
bool | boundCrash () const |
Returns true if the dual bound is worse than the best known primal bound, false otherwise. | |
virtual PHASE | branching () |
Performs branching. | |
virtual int | branchingOnVariable (ArrayBuffer< BranchRule * > &rules) |
Generates branching rules for two new subproblems by selecting a branching variable with the function selectBranchingVariable(). | |
virtual LP::METHOD | chooseLpMethod (int nVarRemoved, int nConRemoved, int nVarAdded, int nConAdded) |
Controls the method used to solve a linear programming relaxation. | |
int | closeHalf (ArrayBuffer< int > &branchVar, VarType::TYPE branchVarType) |
Searches searches several possible branching variable of type branchVarType, with fraction as close to \(0.5\) as possible. | |
int | closeHalf (int &branchVar, VarType::TYPE branchVarType) |
Searches a branching variable of type branchVarType, with fraction as close to \(0.5\) as possible. | |
int | closeHalfExpensive (ArrayBuffer< int > &variables, VarType::TYPE branchVarType) |
Selects several candidates for branching variables of type branchVarType. | |
int | closeHalfExpensive (int &branchVar, VarType::TYPE branchVarType) |
Selects a single branching variable of type branchVarType, with fractional part close to \(0.5\) and high absolute objective function coefficient. | |
virtual int | compareBranchingSampleRanks (Array< double > &rank1, Array< double > &rank2) |
Compares the ranks of two branching samples. | |
virtual void | conEliminate (ArrayBuffer< int > &remove) |
Can be used as an entry point for application specific elimination of constraints. | |
virtual void | conRealloc (int newSize) |
Reallocates memory that at most newSize constraints can be handled in the subproblem. | |
virtual int | constraintPoolSeparation (int ranking=0, Pool< Constraint, Variable > *pool=nullptr, double minViolation=0.001) |
Tries to generate inactive constraints from a pool. | |
virtual PHASE | cutting () |
Iteratively solves the LP-relaxation, generates constraints and/or variables. | |
virtual void | deactivate () |
Can be used as entrance point for problem specific deactivations after the subproblem optimization. | |
virtual double | dualRound (double x) |
virtual bool | exceptionBranch () |
Can be used to specify a problem specific criteria for enforcing a branching step. | |
virtual bool | exceptionFathom () |
Can be used to specify a problem specific fathoming criterium that is checked before the separation or pricing. | |
virtual void | fathom (bool reoptimize) |
Fathoms a node and recursively tries to fathom its father. | |
virtual PHASE | fathoming () |
Fathoms the node, and if certain conditions are satisfied, also its ancestor. | |
virtual void | fathomTheSubTree () |
Fathoms all nodes in the subtree rooted at this subproblem. | |
int | findNonFixedSet (ArrayBuffer< int > &branchVar, VarType::TYPE branchVarType) |
Selects the first variables that are neither fixed nor set. | |
int | findNonFixedSet (int &branchVar, VarType::TYPE branchVarType) |
Selects the first variable that is neither fixed nor set. | |
virtual int | fix (int i, FSVarStat *newStat, bool &newValue) |
Fixes a variable. | |
virtual int | fixAndSet (bool &newValues) |
Tries to fix and set variables both by logical implications and reduced cost criteria. | |
virtual bool | fixAndSetTime () |
Controls if variables should be fixed or set when all variables price out correctly. | |
virtual void | fixByLogImp (ArrayBuffer< int > &variables, ArrayBuffer< FSVarStat * > &status) |
Should collect the numbers of the variables to be fixed in variable and the respective statuses in status. | |
virtual int | fixByRedCost (bool &newValues, bool saveCand) |
Tries to fix variables according to the reduced cost criterion. | |
virtual int | fixing (bool &newValues, bool saveCand=false) |
Tries to fix variables by reduced cost criteria and logical implications. | |
virtual int | generateBranchRules (ArrayBuffer< BranchRule * > &rules) |
Tries to find rules for splitting the current subproblem in further subproblems. | |
virtual LpSub * | generateLp () |
Instantiates an LP for the solution of the LP-relaxation in this subproblem. | |
virtual bool | goodCol (Column &col, Array< double > &row, double x, double lb, double ub) |
virtual double | guarantee () const |
May not be called if the lower bound is 0 and upper bound not equal to 0. | |
virtual bool | guaranteed () const |
bool | infeasible () |
Returns true if the subproblem does not contain a feasible solution, false otherwise. | |
virtual void | initializeCons (int maxCon) |
Initializes the active constraint set. | |
virtual int | initializeLp () |
Initializes the linear program. | |
virtual void | initializeVars (int maxVar) |
Initializes the active variable set. | |
virtual int | initMakeFeas (ArrayBuffer< InfeasCon * > &infeasCon, ArrayBuffer< Variable * > &newVars, Pool< Variable, Constraint > **pool) |
The default implementation of the virtual initMakeFeas() does nothing. | |
bool | integerFeasible () |
Can be used to check if the solution of the LP-relaxation is primally feasible if integrality is suficinet. | |
double | lpRankBranchingRule (BranchRule *branchRule, int iterLimit=-1) |
Computes the rank of a branching rule by modifying the linear programming relaxation of the subproblem according to the branching rule and solving it. | |
virtual void | nonBindingConEliminate (ArrayBuffer< int > &remove) |
Retrieves the dynamic constraints with slack exceeding the value given by the parameter ConElimEps . | |
virtual bool | pausing () |
Sometimes it is appropriate to put a subproblem back into the list of open subproblems. | |
virtual int | prepareBranching (bool &lastIteration) |
Is called before a branching step to remove constraints. | |
virtual bool | primalSeparation () |
Controls if during the cutting plane phase a (primal) separation step or a pricing step (dual separation) should be performed. | |
virtual double | rankBranchingRule (BranchRule *branchRule) |
Computes the rank of a branching rule. | |
virtual void | rankBranchingSample (ArrayBuffer< BranchRule * > &sample, Array< double > &rank) |
Computes for each branching rule of a branching sample a rank with the function rankBranchingRule(). | |
void | redCostVarEliminate (ArrayBuffer< int > &remove) |
Retrieves all variables with "wrong" reduced costs. | |
virtual bool | removeNonLiftableCons () |
virtual void | reoptimize () |
Repeats the optimization of an already optimized subproblem. | |
virtual int | selectBestBranchingSample (int nSamples, ArrayBuffer< BranchRule * > **samples) |
Evaluates branching samples. | |
virtual void | selectCons () |
Is called before constraint are selected from the constraint buffer. | |
virtual void | selectVars () |
Is called before variables are selected from the variable buffer. | |
virtual int | set (int i, FSVarStat *newStat, bool &newValue) |
Sets a variable. | |
virtual int | set (int i, FSVarStat::STATUS newStat, bool &newValue) |
Sets a variable. | |
virtual int | set (int i, FSVarStat::STATUS newStat, double value, bool &newValue) |
Sets a variable. | |
virtual void | setByLogImp (ArrayBuffer< int > &variable, ArrayBuffer< FSVarStat * > &status) |
The default implementation of setByLogImp() does nothing. | |
virtual int | setByRedCost () |
Tries to set variables according to the reduced cost criterion. | |
virtual int | setting (bool &newValues) |
Tries to set variables by reduced cost criteria and logical implications like fixing(). | |
virtual bool | solveApproxNow () |
The default implementation always returns false. | |
virtual bool | tailingOff () |
Called when a tailing off effect according to the parameters TailOffPercent and TailOffNLps is observed. | |
virtual void | varEliminate (ArrayBuffer< int > &remove) |
Entry point for application specific variable elimination. | |
virtual int | variablePoolSeparation (int ranking=0, Pool< Variable, Constraint > *pool=nullptr, double minViolation=0.001) |
Tries to generate inactive variables from a pool. | |
virtual void | varRealloc (int newSize) |
Reallocates memory that at most newSize variables can be handled in the subproblem. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | PHASE { Done , Cutting , Branching , Fathoming } |
The optimization of the subproblem can be in one of the following phases. More... | |
enum | STATUS { Unprocessed , ActiveSub , Dormant , Processed , Fathomed } |
A subproblem can have different statuses. More... | |
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static bool | ascii2bool (const string &str) |
Converts the string str to a boolean value. | |
static bool | endsWith (const string &str, const string &end) |
Returns true if str ends with end, false otherwise. | |
static double | fracPart (double x) |
Returns the absolute value of the fractional part of x. | |
static const char * | onOff (bool value) |
Converts a boolean variable to the strings "on" and "off". | |
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Active< Constraint, Variable > * | actCon_ |
The active constraints of the subproblem. | |
Active< Variable, Constraint > * | actVar_ |
The active variables of the subproblem. | |
CutBuffer< Constraint, Variable > * | addConBuffer_ |
The buffer of the newly generated constraints. | |
CutBuffer< Variable, Constraint > * | addVarBuffer_ |
The buffer of the newly generated variables. | |
bool | allBranchOnSetVars_ |
If true, then the branching rule of the subproblem and of all ancestor on the path to the root node are branching on a binary variable. | |
double * | bInvRow_ |
A row of the basis inverse associated with the infeasible variable infeasVar_ or slack variable infeasCon_. | |
BranchRule * | branchRule_ |
The branching rule for the subproblem. | |
double | dualBound_ |
The dual bound of the subproblem. | |
Sub * | father_ |
A pointer to the father in the branch-and-cut tree. | |
Array< FSVarStat * > * | fsVarStat_ |
A pointer to an array storing the status of fixing and setting of the active variables. | |
bool | genNonLiftCons_ |
If true, then the management of non-liftable constraints is performed. | |
int | infeasCon_ |
The number of an infeasible constraint. | |
int | infeasVar_ |
The number of an infeasible variable. | |
int | lastIterConAdd_ |
The last iteration in which constraints have been added. | |
int | lastIterVarAdd_ |
The last iteration in which variables have been added. | |
Array< double > * | lBound_ |
A pointer to an array with the local lower bound of the active variables. | |
LpSub * | lp_ |
A pointer to the corresponding linear program. | |
LP::METHOD | lpMethod_ |
The solution method for the next linear program. | |
Array< LPVARSTAT * > * | lpVarStat_ |
A pointer to an array storing the status of each active variable in the linear program. | |
Master * | master_ |
A pointer to the corresponding master of the optimization. | |
int | nIter_ |
The number of iterations in the cutting plane phase. | |
ArrayBuffer< int > * | removeConBuffer_ |
The buffer of the constraints which are removed at the beginning of the next iteration. | |
ArrayBuffer< int > * | removeVarBuffer_ |
The buffer of the variables which are removed at the beginning of the next iteration. | |
Array< SlackStat * > * | slackStat_ |
A pointer to an array storing the statuses of the slack variables of the last solved linear program. | |
TailOff * | tailOff_ |
A pointer to the tailing off manager. | |
Array< double > * | uBound_ |
A pointer to an array with the local upper bounds of the active variables. | |
double * | xVal_ |
The last LP-solution. | |
double * | yVal_ |
The dual variables of the last linear program. | |
Definition at line 47 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
explicit |
ogdf::cluster_planarity::MaxCPlanarSub::MaxCPlanarSub | ( | abacus::Master * | master, |
abacus::Sub * | father, | ||
abacus::BranchRule * | branchRule, | ||
List< abacus::Constraint * > & | criticalConstraints | ||
) |
virtual |
inlineprivate |
Adds the given constraints to the connectivity cut pool.
Definition at line 248 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
inlineprivate |
Adds the given constraints to the planarity cut pool.
Definition at line 253 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
inlineprotected |
Adds the given constraints to the given pool.
Definition at line 170 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
protected |
Checks if the cluster induced graphs and their complement are connected in the current solution.
protected |
private |
protected |
private |
private |
private |
Must check the feasibility of a solution of the LP-relaxation.
If the function returns true and the value of the primal bound is worse than the value of this feasible solution, the value of the primal bound is updated automatically.
Implements abacus::Sub.
overridevirtual |
Returns a pointer to an object of a problem specific subproblem, which is generated from the current subproblem by branching rule rule.
rule | The branching rule with which the subproblem is generated. |
Implements abacus::Sub.
inlineprotected |
run through the pointer list parent and return the representative i.e. the node with parent[v] == v
Definition at line 90 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Can be redefined in order to implement primal heuristics for finding feasible solutions.
The default implementation does nothing.
primalValue | Should hold the value of the feasible solution, if a better one is found. |
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
private |
The default implementation of makeFeasible()does nothing.
If there is an infeasible structural variable then it is stored in infeasVar_, otherwise infeasVar_ is -1. If there is an infeasible slack variable, it is stored in infeasCon_, otherwise it is -1. At most one of the two members infeasVar_ and infeasCon_ can be nonnegative. A reimplementation in a derived class should generate variables to restore feasibility or confirm that the subproblem is infeasible.
The strategy for the generation of inactive variables is completely problem and user specific. For testing if a variable might restore again the feasibility the functions Variable::useful() and Sub::goodCol() might be helpful.
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
Definition at line 66 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 181 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 197 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
Performs the optimization of the subproblem.
After activating the subproblem, i.e., allocating and initializing memory, and initializing the LP, the optimization process constitutes of the three phases Cutting, Branching, and Fathoming, which are alternately processed. The function fathoming() always returns Done. However, we think that the code is better readable instead of taking it out of the while loop. The optimization stops if the PHASE Done is reached. Note, Done does not necessarily mean that the subproblem is solved to optimality!
After the node is processed we deallocate memory, which is not required for further computations or of which the corresponding data can be easily reconstructed. This is performed in _deactivate().
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
Definition at line 73 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
Should generate inactive variables which do not price out correctly.
The default implementation does nothing and returns 0.
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
Definition at line 144 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
protected |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Chooses a branching variable.
The function selectBranchingVariableCandidates() is asked to generate depending in the parameter NBranchingVariableCandidates
of the file .abacus
candidates for branching variables. If only one candidate is generated, this one becomes the branching variable. Otherwise, the pairs of branching rules are generated for all candidates and the "best" branching variables is determined with the function selectBestBranchingSample().
variable | Holds the branching variable if one is found. |
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Selects candidates for branching variables.
Candidates are selected depending on the branching variable strategy given by the parameter BranchingStrategy
in the file .abacus
candidates that for branching variables.
Currently two branching variable selection strategies are implemented. The first one (CloseHalf) first searches the binary variables with fractional part closest to \(0.5\). If there is no fractional binary variable it repeats this process with the integer variables.
The second strategy (CloseHalfExpensive) first tries to find binary variables with fraction close to \(0.5\) and high absolute objective function coefficient. If this fails, it tries to find an integer variable with fractional part close to \(0.5\) and high absolute objective function coefficient.
If neither a binary nor an integer variable with fractional value is found then for both strategies we try to find non-fixed and non-set binary variables. If this fails we repeat this process with the integer variables.
Other branching variable selection strategies can be implemented by redefining this virtual function in a derived class.
candidates | The candidates for branching variables are stored in this buffer. We try to find as many variables as fit into the buffer. |
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
Must be redefined in derived classes for the generation of cutting planes.
The default implementation does nothing.
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
Definition at line 137 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
Definition at line 258 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 175 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
Definition at line 264 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
these functions are mainly reporting to let abacus think everthing is normal.
the actual work is done by separateReal() and pricingReal(). The steering of this process is performed in solveLp()
Definition at line 121 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
Solves the LP-relaxation of the subproblem.
As soon as the LP-relaxation becomes infeasible in a static branch and cut algorithm the respective subproblem can be fathomed. Otherwise, we memorize the value of the LP-solution to control the tailing off effect.
We assume that the LP is never primal unbounded.
Reimplemented from abacus::Sub.
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 194 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
Definition at line 193 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
Definition at line 186 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
Definition at line 187 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
Definition at line 185 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
Definition at line 191 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
Definition at line 192 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.
private |
Definition at line 188 of file MaxCPlanarSub.h.