Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

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cluster Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for cluster:




 Cluster Planarity tests and Cluster Planar embedding for C-connected Cluster Graphs.
 Cluster planarity tests and cluster planar embedding for c-connected clustered graphs.
 Declaration of the ClusterAnalysis class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for c-planarity testing via an extension to complete connectivity.
 Declaration and implementation of ClusterArray class.
 Derived class of GraphObserver providing additional functionality to handle clustered graphs.
 Declares ClusterGraphAttributes, an extension of class GraphAttributes, to store clustergraph layout informations like cluster cage positions and sizes that can be accessed over the cluster/cluster ID.
 Declares ClusterGraphCopyAttributes, which manages access on copy of an attributed clustered graph.
 Abstract base class for structures on graphs, that need to be informed about cluster graph changes.
 Declares ClusterOrthoLayout which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm for c-planar c-connected Clustergraphs.
 Computes the Orthogonal Representation of a Planar Representation of a UML Graph using the simple flow approach.
 Declaration of a c-planarity testing algorithm, based on a completely connected graph extension.
 Declaration of class ClusterPlanarizationLayout Planarization approach for cluster graphs.
 Declaration of ClusterPlanarModule which implements a c-planarity test.
 Declaration of ClusterPlanRep class, allowing cluster boundary insertion and shortest path edge insertion.
 Declaration and implementation of class ClusterSetSimple, ClusterSetPure and ClusterSet.
 Declares CPlanarEdgeInserter class.
 Declaration of CPlanarSubClusteredGraph class.
 Declaration of an interface for c-planar subgraph algorithms.
 Defines class HananiTutteCPlanarity, which represents a c-planarity test based on the Hanani-Tutte theorem.
 Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms for UML diagrams (used in planarization approach).
 Declaration of an exact c-planar subgraph algorithm, i.e., a maximum c-planar subgraph is computed using a branch and cut approach.