| CPlanarEdgeVar (abacus::Master *master, double obj, double lbound, node source, node target) |
| CPlanarEdgeVar (abacus::Master *master, double obj, node source, node target) |
virtual | ~CPlanarEdgeVar () |
void | printMe (std::ostream &out) override |
| EdgeVar (abacus::Master *master, double obj, double lbound, node source, node target) |
| Simple version for cplanarity testing (only connect edges allowed, lower bound given)
| EdgeVar (abacus::Master *master, double obj, EdgeType eType, node source, node target) |
| EdgeVar (abacus::Master *master, double obj, node source, node target) |
| Simple version for cplanarity testing (only connect edges allowed)
virtual | ~EdgeVar () |
node | sourceNode () const |
node | targetNode () const |
edge | theEdge () const |
EdgeType | theEdgeType () const |
| Variable (Master *master, const Sub *sub, bool dynamic, bool local, double obj, double lBound, double uBound, VarType::TYPE type) |
| Initializes a variable.
virtual | ~Variable () |
bool | binary () const |
| Returns true If the type of the variable is Binary, false otherwise.
virtual double | coeff (const Constraint *con) const |
| Computes the coefficient of the variable in the constraint con.
bool | discrete () const |
| Returns true if the type of the variable is Integer or Binary, false otherwise.
FSVarStat * | fsVarStat () |
const FSVarStat * | fsVarStat () const |
virtual int | genColumn (Active< Constraint, Variable > *actCon, Column &col) const |
| Computes the column col of the variable associated with the active constraints *actCon.
bool | integer () const |
| Returns true If the type of the variable is Integer, false otherwise.
double | lBound () const |
| Returns the lower bound of the variable.
void | lBound (double newBound) |
| Sets the lower bound of the variable to newBound.
virtual double | obj () const |
| Returns the objective function coefficient.
void | printCol (std::ostream &out, Active< Constraint, Variable > *constraints) const |
| Writes the column of the variable corresponding to the constraints to output stream out.
virtual double | redCost (Active< Constraint, Variable > *actCon, double *y) const |
| Computes the reduced cost of the variable corresponding the constraint set actCon and the dual variables y.
double | uBound () const |
| Returns the upper bound of the variable.
void | uBound (double newBound) |
| Sets the upper bound of the variable to newBound.
virtual bool | useful (Active< Constraint, Variable > *actCon, double *y, double lpVal) const |
| Returns whether an (inactive) discrete variable is useful.
virtual bool | valid (const Sub *sub) const |
| Returns true if the variable is valid, false otherwise.
VarType::TYPE | varType () const |
| Returns the type of the variable.
virtual bool | violated (Active< Constraint, Variable > *constraints, double *y, double *slack=nullptr) const |
| Checks, if a variable does not price out correctly.
virtual bool | violated (double rc) const |
| Checks, if a variable does not price out correctly.
| ConVar (Master *master, const Sub *sub, bool dynamic, bool local) |
| Creates an instance of type ConVar.
virtual | ~ConVar () |
bool | active () const |
| Checks if the constraint/variable is active in at least one active subproblem.
virtual bool | dynamic () const |
| Return true if the constraint/variable is dynamic.
virtual bool | equal (const ConVar *cv) const |
| Should compare if the constraint/variable is identical (in a mathematical sense) with the constraint/variable cv.
bool | global () const |
| Returns true if the constraint/variable is globally valid, false otherwise.
virtual unsigned | hashKey () const |
| Should provide a key for the constraint/variable that can be used to insert it into a hash table.
bool | local () const |
| Returns true if the constraint/variable is only locally valid, false otherwise.
virtual const char * | name () const |
| Should return the name of the constraint/variable.
virtual void | print (std::ostream &out) const |
| Writes the constraint/variable to the output stream out.
virtual double | rank () const |
| The function should return a rank associated with the constraint/variable.
const Sub * | sub () const |
| Returns a const pointer to the subproblem associated with the constraint/variable.
void | sub (Sub *sub) |
| Associates a new subproblem with the constraint/variable.
bool | expanded () const |
| Returns true if the expanded format of a constraint/variable is available, false otherwise.
virtual void | expand () const |
| Expands a constraint/variable.
virtual void | compress () const |
| Compresses a constraint/variable.
virtual bool | deletable () const |
| Returns true if the constraint/variable can be destructed.
virtual | ~AbacusRoot () |
| The destructor.