41namespace davidson_harel {
Declaration of ogdf::AdjacencyOracle class.
Declaration and implementation of class Array2D which implements dynamic two dimensional arrays.
Declares class EnergyFunction...
Tells you in constant time if two nodes are adjacent.
bool adjacent(node v, node w) const
Returns true iff vertices v and w are adjacent.
The parameterized class Array2D implements dynamic two-dimensional arrays.
Rectangles with real coordinates.
Stores additional attributes of a graph (like layout information).
Doubly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list).
Dynamic arrays indexed with nodes.
Class for the representation of nodes.
The interface for energy functions for the Davidson Harel graph drawing method.
int nodeNum(node v) const
Returns the internal number given to each vertex.
virtual double computeCoordEnergy(node, node, const DPoint &, const DPoint &) const =0
Computes the energy stored by a pair of vertices at the given positions.
void compCandEnergy() override
computes the energy if m_testNode changes position to m_testX and m_testY, sets the value of m_candid...
NodeArray< double > m_candPairEnergy
NodePairEnergy(const string energyname, GraphAttributes &AG)
virtual ~NodePairEnergy()
Array2D< double > * m_pairEnergy
List< node > m_nonIsolated
NodeArray< int > * m_nodeNums
const DIntersectableRect & shape(const node v) const
Returns the shape of a vertex v as a DIntersectableRect.
void internalCandidateTaken() override
changes the data of a specific energy function if the candidate was taken
const AdjacencyOracle m_adjacentOracle
bool adjacent(const node v, const node w) const
returns true in constant time if two vertices are adjacent.
double computePairEnergy(const node v, const node w) const
NodeArray< DIntersectableRect > m_shape
void computeEnergy() override
computes energy for the layout at the beginning of the optimization process
static MultilevelBuilder * getDoubleFactoredZeroAdjustedMerger()
The namespace for all OGDF objects.