Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

No Matches
upward Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for upward:




 Declaration of dominance layout algorithm.
 Declares class ExpansionGraph...
 Declaration of class FaceSinkGraph.
 declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserterOld
 Declaration of Feasible Upward Planar Subgraph (FUPS) Module, an interface for subgraph computation.
 Declaration of the FUPSSimple.
 Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm.
 Declaration of class MFUPS, which implements the maximal feasible upward planar subgraph computation based on satisfiability (Chimani, Zeranski, 2012+)
 Declaration of class SubgraphUpwardPlanarizer.
 Declaration of interface for layout algorithms for a UpwardPlanRep.
 Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms.
 Declaration of class UpwardPlanarity, which implements different types of algorithms testing upward planarity of graphs with different restrictions.
 Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm.
 Declaration of UpwardPlanarizer Module, an interface for upward planarization algorithms.
 Declaration of interface for upward planar subgraph algorithms.
 Declaration of class UpwardPlanarSubgraphSimple which computes an upward planar subgraph by using upward planarity testing.
 Declaration of a base class for planar representations of graphs and cluster graphs.
 Declaration of visibility layout algorithm.