| DLParser.h |
| Declaration of UCINET DL format parser class.
| DOT.h |
| DOT related enums and string conversion functions.
| DotLexer.h |
| Declares stuff related to DOT format lexical analysis.
| DotParser.h |
| Declarations for DOT Parser.
| GDF.h |
| Declarations for GDF file format.
| GdfParser.h |
| Declarations for GDF Parser.
| GEXF.h |
| GEXF related enums and string conversion functions.
| GexfParser.h |
| Declaration of GEXF format reading utilities.
| GML.h |
| GML related enums and string conversion functions.
| GmlParser.h |
| Declaration of classes gml::Object and gml::Parser.
| GraphIO.h |
| Declares class GraphIO which provides access to all graph read and write functionality.
| GraphML.h |
| GraphML related enums and string conversion functions.
| GraphMLParser.h |
| Declarations for GraphML Parser.
| SvgPrinter.h |
| Generator for visualizing graphs using the XML-based SVG format.
| TikzWriter.h |
| Generator for visualizing graphs using LaTeX/TikZ.
| Tlp.h |
| Declaration of TLP string conversion functions.
| TlpLexer.h |
| Declares a TLP file format lexer class and related structures.
| TlpParser.h |
| TLP format parser utility declaration.
| TsplibXmlParser.h |
| Parser for TSPLIB instances in XML format.
| Utils.h |
| Declaration of useful methods for processing various fileformats.