| BoothLueker.h |
| Declaration of BoothLueker which implements a planarity test and planar embedding algorithm.
| BoyerMyrvold.h |
| Declaration of the wrapper class of the Boyer-Myrvold planarity test.
| CrossingMinimizationModule.h |
| Declaration of CrossingMinimization Module, an interface for crossing minimization algorithms.
| EdgeInsertionModule.h |
| Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms.
| EdgeTypePatterns.h |
| Edge types and patterns for planar representations.
| EmbedderMaxFace.h |
| Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFace.
| EmbedderMaxFaceLayers.h |
| Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFaceLayers.
| EmbedderMinDepth.h |
| Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepth.
| EmbedderMinDepthMaxFace.h |
| Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthMaxFace.
| EmbedderMinDepthMaxFaceLayers.h |
| Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthMaxFaceLayers.
| EmbedderMinDepthPiTa.h |
| Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthPiTa.
| EmbedderModule.h |
| Defines ogdf::EmbedderModule.
| EmbedderOptimalFlexDraw.h |
| The algorithm computes a planar embedding with minimum cost.
| ExtractKuratowskis.h |
| FixedEmbeddingInserter.h |
| Declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserter.
| KuratowskiSubdivision.h |
| Declaration of KuratowskiSubdivion class.
| LayoutPlanRepModule.h |
| Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms (used in planarization approach).
| MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple.h |
| Declaration of class MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple.
| MaximumPlanarSubgraph.h |
| Declaration of class MaximumPlanarSubgraph.
| MMCrossingMinimizationModule.h |
| Declaration of MMCrossingMinimization Module, an interface for minor-monotone crossing minimization algorithms.
| MMEdgeInsertionModule.h |
| Declaration of interface for minor-monotone edge insertion algorithms.
| MMFixedEmbeddingInserter.h |
| declaration of class MMFixedEmbeddingInserter
| MMSubgraphPlanarizer.h |
| Declaration of class MMSubgraphPlanarizer.
| MMVariableEmbeddingInserter.h |
| declaration of class MMVariableEmbeddingInserter
| MultiEdgeApproxInserter.h |
| Declaration of class MultiEdgeApproxInserter.
| NodeTypePatterns.h |
| Declaration of node types and patterns for planar representations.
| NonPlanarCore.h |
| Declaration of class NonPlanarCore which represents the non-planar core reduction for biconnected graphs.
| PlanarityModule.h |
| Declaration of PlanarityModule.
| PlanarizationGridLayout.h |
| Declaration of planarization with grid layout.
| PlanarizationLayout.h |
| Declaration of class PlanarizationLayout.
| PlanarizerChordlessCycle.h |
| Declaration of class PlanarizerChordlessCycle.
| PlanarizerMixedInsertion.h |
| Declaration of class PlanarizerMixedInsertion.
| PlanarizerStarReinsertion.h |
| Declaration of class PlanarizerStarReinsertion.
| PlanarSubgraphBoyerMyrvold.h |
| Declaration of the subgraph wrapper class of the Boyer-Myrvold planarity test.
| PlanarSubgraphCactus.h |
| Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphCactus.
| PlanarSubgraphEmpty.h |
| Declaration and Implementation of class PlanarSubgraphEmpty.
| PlanarSubgraphFast.h |
| Declaration of the PlanarSubgraphFast.
| PlanarSubgraphModule.h |
| Declaration of interface for planar subgraph algorithms.
| PlanarSubgraphTree.h |
| Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphTree.
| PlanarSubgraphTriangles.h |
| Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphTriangles.
| PlanRep.h |
| Declaration of a base class for planar representations of graphs and cluster graphs.
| PlanRepExpansion.h |
| Declaration of class PlanRepExpansion representing a planarized representation of the expansion of a graph.
| PlanRepInc.h |
| Declaration of class PlanRepInc.
| PlanRepLight.h |
| Declaration of class PlanRepLight.
| RemoveReinsertType.h |
| Definition of RemoveReinsertType (used for postprocessing in edge insertion algorithms).
| SimpleEmbedder.h |
| A simple embedder algorithm.
| SimpleIncNodeInserter.h |
| Declaration of class SimpleIncNodeInserter.
| StarInserter.h |
| Declaration of class StarInserter.
| SubgraphPlanarizer.h |
| Declaration of class SubgraphPlanarizer.
| TopologyModule.h |
| Declaration of class TopologyModule.
| VariableEmbeddingInserter.h |
| Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserter.
| VariableEmbeddingInserterBase.h |
| Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterBase.
| VariableEmbeddingInserterDyn.h |
| Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterDyn.