Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

No Matches
basic Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for basic:




 Declaration of ogdf::AdjacencyOracle class.
 Declaration and implementation of AdjEntryArray class.
 Declaration and implementation of Array class and Array algorithms.
 Declaration and implementation of class Array2D which implements dynamic two dimensional arrays.
 Declaration and implementation of ArrayBuffer class.
 Implementation of a thread barrier.
 Basic declarations, included by all source files.
 Declaration and implementation of bounded queue class.
 Declaration of CombinatorialEmbedding and face.
 Declarations for Comparer objects.
 Implementation of disjoint sets data structures (union-find functionality).
 Includes declaration of dual graph class.
 Declaration and implementation of EdgeArray class.
 Declares EdgeComparer class.
 Declares EdgeComparerSimple class.
 Compare floating point numbers with epsilons and integral numbers with normal compare operators.
 Definition of exception classes.
 Declaration of extended graph algorithms.
 declaration and implementation of FaceArray class
 Declaration and implementation of ogdf::FaceSet.
 Declaration of classes GenericPoint, GenericPolyline, GenericLine, GenericSegment, DPolygon, DRect, DIntersectableRect.
 Defines class GF2Solver, which represents a solver for linear equation systems over GF(2).
 Includes declaration of graph class.
 Pure declaration header, find template implementation in Graph.h.
 Declaration of graph generators.
 Declaration of class GraphAttributes which extends a Graph by additional attributes.
 Declaration of graph copy classes.
 Declaration of basic types for graphics.
 Decralation of GraphElement and GraphList classes.
 Abstract base class for structures on graphs, that need to be informed about graph changes (e.g.
 Declaration of class GridLayout.
 Declaration of class GridLayoutMapped which extends GridLayout by a grid mapping mechanism.
 Declaration and implementation of HashArray class.
 Declaration of class HashArray2D.
 Declaration of classes used for hashing.
 Declaration of class HashIterator2D.
 Declaration of class IncNodeInserter.
 Declaration of class Layout.
 Declaration of interface for layout algorithms (class LayoutModule)
 Declares class LayoutStandards which specifies default / standard values used in graph layouts.
 Declares class LayoutStatistics which provides various functions for computing statistical measures of a layout.
 Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators.
 Contains logging functionality.
 Mathematical Helpers.
 Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory.
 Declares & Implements Binary Heap, and Top10Heap.
 Declares base class for all module types.
 Declaration of class NearestRectangleFinder.
 Declaration and implementation of NodeArray class.
 Declaration and implementation of ogdf::NodeSet.
 Declaration and implementation of the class PQTree.
 Declaration of functions for drawing module precondition handling.
 Preprocessor Layout simplifies Graphs for use in other Algorithms.
 Priority queue interface wrapping various heaps.
 Declaration and implementation of list-based queues (classes QueuePure<E> and Queue<E>).
 Implementation of the Reverse class for the reverse iteration of containers.
 Declaration of simple graph algorithms.
 Declaration of class Skiplist.
 Declaration of singly linked lists and iterators.
 Data type for sorted sequences (based on skiplists)
 Declaration of st-Numbering functions.
 Declaration of stopwatch classes.
 A class that allows to enumerate k-subsets.
 Decalration of System class which provides unified access to system information.
 Declaration of Thread class representing threads.
 Declares base class for modules with timeout functionality.
 Declaration and implementation of class Tuple2, Tuple3 and Tuple4.