template<typename T > |
T * | align_16_next_ptr (T *t) |
template<typename T > |
T * | align_16_prev_ptr (T *t) |
template<unsigned int FLAGS> |
static CollectForceFunctor< FLAGS > | collect_force_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
template<typename FunctionType > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 , typename ArgType2 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1, ArgType2 _arg2) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 , typename ArgType2 , typename ArgType3 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1, ArgType2 _arg2, ArgType3 _arg3) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 , typename ArgType2 , typename ArgType3 , typename ArgType4 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1, ArgType2 _arg2, ArgType3 _arg3, ArgType4 _arg4) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 , typename ArgType2 , typename ArgType3 , typename ArgType4 , typename ArgType5 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1, ArgType2 _arg2, ArgType3 _arg3, ArgType4 _arg4, ArgType5 _arg5) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 , typename ArgType2 , typename ArgType3 , typename ArgType4 , typename ArgType5 , typename ArgType6 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5, ArgType6 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1, ArgType2 _arg2, ArgType3 _arg3, ArgType4 _arg4, ArgType5 _arg5, ArgType6 _arg6) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 , typename ArgType2 , typename ArgType3 , typename ArgType4 , typename ArgType5 , typename ArgType6 , typename ArgType7 , typename ArgType8 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, ArgType8 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1, ArgType2 _arg2, ArgType3 _arg3, ArgType4 _arg4, ArgType5 _arg5, ArgType6 _arg6, ArgType7 _arg7) |
template<typename FunctionType , typename ArgType1 , typename ArgType2 , typename ArgType3 , typename ArgType4 , typename ArgType5 , typename ArgType6 , typename ArgType7 , typename ArgType8 > |
FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, ArgType8 > | createFuncInvoker (FunctionType func, ArgType1 _arg1, ArgType2 _arg2, ArgType3 _arg3, ArgType4 _arg4, ArgType5 _arg5, ArgType6 _arg6, ArgType7 _arg7, ArgType8 _arg8) |
template<unsigned int FLAGS> |
static EdgeForceFunctor< FLAGS > | edge_force_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
void | eval_direct (float *x, float *y, float *s, float *fx, float *fy, size_t n) |
| kernel function to evaluate forces between n points with coords x, y directly. result is stored in fx, fy
void | eval_direct (float *x1, float *y1, float *s1, float *fx1, float *fy1, size_t n1, float *x2, float *y2, float *s2, float *fx2, float *fy2, size_t n2) |
| kernel function to evaluate forces between two sets of points with coords x1, y1 (x2, y2) directly. result is stored in fx1, fy1 (fx2, fy2
void | eval_direct_fast (float *x, float *y, float *s, float *fx, float *fy, size_t n) |
| kernel function to evaluate forces between n points with coords x, y directly. result is stored in fx, fy
void | eval_direct_fast (float *x1, float *y1, float *s1, float *fx1, float *fy1, size_t n1, float *x2, float *y2, float *s2, float *fx2, float *fy2, size_t n2) |
| kernel function to evaluate forces between two sets of points with coords x1, y1 (x2, y2) directly. result is stored in fx1, fy1 (fx2, fy2
void | eval_edges (const ArrayGraph &graph, const uint32_t begin, const uint32_t end, float *fx, float *fy) |
void | fast_multipole_l2p (double *localCoeffiecients, uint32_t numCoeffiecients, double centerX, double centerY, float x, float y, float q, float &fx, float &fy) |
| kernel function to evalute a local expansion at point x,y result is added to fx, fy
void | fast_multipole_p2m (double *mulitCoeffiecients, uint32_t numCoeffiecients, double centerX, double centerY, float x, float y, float q) |
template<typename TYP > |
void | for_loop_array_set (uint32_t threadNr, uint32_t numThreads, TYP *a, uint32_t n, TYP value) |
template<typename FuncFirst , typename FuncSecond > |
static composition_functor< FuncFirst, FuncSecond > | func_comp (const FuncFirst &first, const FuncSecond &second) |
| create a functor composition of two functors
void | gridGraph (Graph &G, int n, int m) |
template<typename CondType , typename ThenType > |
static if_then_else_functor< CondType, ThenType > | if_then (const CondType &cond, const ThenType &thenFunc) |
| creates an if then functor with a condition and a then functor
template<typename CondType , typename ThenType , typename ElseType > |
static if_then_else_functor< CondType, ThenType, ElseType > | if_then_else (const CondType &cond, const ThenType &thenFunc, const ElseType &elseFunc) |
| creates an if then else functor with a condition and a then and an else functor
template<typename T > |
bool | is_align_16 (T *ptr) |
static l2l_functor | l2l_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates Local-to-Local functor
static l2p_functor | l2p_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates Local-to-Point functor
bool | LQPointComparer (const LinearQuadtree::LQPoint &a, const LinearQuadtree::LQPoint &b) |
static m2l_functor | m2l_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates Multipole-to-Local functor
static m2m_functor | m2m_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates Multipole-to-Multipole functor
static min_max_functor< float > | min_max_x_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates a min max functor for the x coords of the node
static min_max_functor< float > | min_max_y_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates a min max functor for the y coords of the node
template<typename MNR_T , typename C_T > |
MNR_T | mortonNumber (C_T ix, C_T iy) |
| common template for bit-interleaving to compute the morton number assumes sizeOf(MNR_T) = 2*sizeOf(C_T)
template<typename MNR_T , typename C_T > |
void | mortonNumberInv (MNR_T mnr, C_T &x, C_T &y) |
| common template for extracting the coordinates from a morton number assumes sizeOf(MNR_T) = 2*sizeOf(C_T)
template<typename T > |
uint32_t | mostSignificantBit (T n) |
| returns the index of the most signficant bit set. 0 = most signif, bitlength-1 = least signif
double | move_nodes (float *x, float *y, const uint32_t begin, const uint32_t end, const float *fx, const float *fy, const float t) |
template<unsigned int FLAGS> |
static NodeMoveFunctor< FLAGS > | node_move_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
template<typename Func > |
static not_condition_functor< Func > | not_condition (const Func &func) |
| creator of the negator
void | OGDF_FME_Print_Config () |
int | operator& (int lhs, FMECollect rhs) |
int | operator& (int lhs, FMEEdgeForce rhs) |
constexpr int | operator| (FMECollect lhs, FMECollect rhs) |
constexpr int | operator| (int lhs, FMECollect rhs) |
static p2m_functor | p2m_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates a Point-to-Multipole functor
static p2p_functor | p2p_function (FMELocalContext *pLocalContext) |
| creates Local-to-Point functor
template<typename F , typename A > |
static pair_call_functor< F, A > | pair_call (F f, A a) |
| creates a pair call resulting in a call f(a, *)
template<typename Func > |
static pair_vice_versa_functor< Func > | pair_vice_versa (const Func &f) |
| creates a functor for invoking a functor for a pair(u,v) and then (v,u)
uint32_t | prevPowerOfTwo (uint32_t n) |
| returns the prev power of two
void | printProfiledTime (double t, const char *text) |
void | printProfiledTime (double t, double sum, const char *text) |
void | pushBackEdge (uint32_t a, uint32_t b, std::function< EdgeAdjInfo &(uint32_t)> edgeInform, std::function< NodeAdjInfo &(uint32_t)> nodeInform, int e_index) |
| Helper method used by ArrayGraph and WSPD.
void | randomGridGraph (Graph &G, int n, int m, double missinNodesPercentage=0.03) |