| UpwardPlanRep () |
| standart constructor
| UpwardPlanRep (const CombinatorialEmbedding &Gamma) |
| UpwardPlanRep (const GraphCopy &GC, adjEntry adj_ext) |
| UpwardPlanRep (const UpwardPlanRep &UPR) |
| copy constructor
virtual | ~UpwardPlanRep () |
void | augment () |
| convert to a single source single sink graph (result is not necessary a st-graph!).
bool | augmented () const |
| return true if graph is augmented to a single source single sink graph
adjEntry | getAdjEntry (const CombinatorialEmbedding &Gamma, node v, face f) const |
| return the adjEntry of v which right face is f.
CombinatorialEmbedding & | getEmbedding () |
const CombinatorialEmbedding & | getEmbedding () const |
| return the upward planar embedding
node | getSuperSink () const |
node | getSuperSource () const |
void | insertEdgePathEmbedded (edge eOrig, SList< adjEntry > crossedEdges, EdgeArray< int > &cost) |
| same as insertEdgePath, but assumes that the graph is embedded
bool | isSinkArc (edge e) const |
bool | isSourceArc (edge e) const |
adjEntry | leftInEdge (node v) const |
int | numberOfCrossings () const |
UpwardPlanRep & | operator= (const UpwardPlanRep ©) |
| Assignment operator.
void | outputFaces (const CombinatorialEmbedding &embedding) const |
adjEntry | sinkSwitchOf (node v) |
| 0 if node v is not a sink switch (not the top sink switch !!) of an internal face. else v is sink-switch of the right face of the adjEntry.
| GraphCopy () |
| Default constructor (does nothing!).
| GraphCopy (const Graph &G) |
| Creates a graph copy of G .
| GraphCopy (const GraphCopy &GC) |
| Copy constructor.
virtual | ~GraphCopy () |
const Graph & | original () const |
| Returns a reference to the original graph.
node | original (node v) const |
| Returns the node in the original graph corresponding to v .
edge | original (edge e) const |
| Returns the edge in the original graph corresponding to e .
adjEntry | original (adjEntry adj) const |
| Returns the adjacency entry in the original graph corresponding to adj .
node | copy (node v) const |
| Returns the node in the graph copy corresponding to v .
const List< edge > & | chain (edge e) const |
| Returns the list of edges coresponding to edge e .
edge | copy (edge e) const |
| Returns the first edge in the list of edges coresponding to edge e .
adjEntry | copy (adjEntry adj) const |
| Returns the adjacency entry in the copy graph corresponding to adj .
bool | isDummy (node v) const |
| Returns true iff v has no corresponding node in the original graph.
bool | isDummy (edge e) const |
| Returns true iff e has no corresponding edge in the original graph.
bool | isReversed (edge e) const |
| Returns true iff edge e has been reversed.
bool | isReversedCopyEdge (edge e) const |
| Returns true iff e is reversed w.r.t.
node | newNode (node vOrig) |
| Creates a new node in the graph copy with original node vOrig .
virtual void | delNode (node v) override |
| Removes node v and all its adjacent edges cleaning-up their corresponding lists of original edges.
virtual void | delEdge (edge e) override |
| Removes edge e and clears the list of edges corresponding to e's original edge.
virtual void | clear () override |
| Removes all nodes and all edges from the graph.
virtual edge | split (edge e) override |
| Splits edge e .
void | unsplit (edge eIn, edge eOut) override |
| Undoes a previous split operation.
edge | newEdge (edge eOrig) |
| Creates a new edge (v,w) with original edge eOrig.
void | setEdge (edge eOrig, edge eCopy) |
| sets eOrig to be the corresponding original edge of eCopy and vice versa
bool | embed () |
| Embeds the graph copy.
void | removePseudoCrossings () |
| Removes all crossing nodes which are actually only two "touching" edges.
bool | hasSameEdgesCrossings () const |
| Returns whether there are two edges in the GraphCopy that cross each other multiple times.
bool | hasAdjacentEdgesCrossings () const |
| Returns whether the GraphCopy contains at least one crossing of two adjacent edges.
bool | hasNonSimpleCrossings () const |
| Returns whether the GraphCopy contains crossings that will result in a non-simple drawing.
void | removeNonSimpleCrossings (SListPure< edge > &edgesToCheck, DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph=nullptr) |
| Removes all non-simple cossings involving edges from edgesToCheck (see hasNonSimpleCrossings() for a definition of non-simple crossings).
void | removeNonSimpleCrossings (DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph=nullptr) |
| Removes all non-simple cossings (see hasNonSimpleCrossings() for a definition of non-simple crossings).
void | removeNonSimpleCrossings (node origNode, DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph=nullptr) |
| Removes all non-simple cossings involving edges incident to origNode (see hasNonSimpleCrossings() for a definition of non-simple crossings).
void | insertEdgePath (edge eOrig, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges) |
| Re-inserts edge eOrig by "crossing" the edges in crossedEdges .
void | insertEdgePath (node srcOrig, node tgtOrig, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges) |
| Special version (for FixedEmbeddingUpwardEdgeInserter only).
void | removeEdgePath (edge eOrig) |
| Removes the complete edge path for edge eOrig .
edge | insertCrossing (edge &crossingEdge, edge crossedEdge, bool rightToLeft) |
| Inserts crossings between two copy edges.
node | newNode () |
| Creates a new node and returns it.
node | newNode (int index) |
| Creates a new node with predefined index and returns it.
edge | newEdge (node v, node w) |
| Creates a new edge (v ,w ) and returns it.
edge | newEdge (node v, node w, int index) |
| Creates a new edge (v ,w ) with predefined index and returns it.
edge | newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir=Direction::after) |
| Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists.
edge | newEdge (node v, adjEntry adjTgt) |
| Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists.
edge | newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, node w) |
| Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists.
edge | newEdge (node v, adjEntry adj, edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E) |
| Creates a new edge with original edge eOrig in an embedding E .
void | setOriginalEmbedding () |
| Sets the embedding of the graph copy to the embedding of the original graph.
void | insertEdgePathEmbedded (edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges) |
| Re-inserts edge eOrig by "crossing" the edges in crossedEdges in embedding E .
void | insertEdgePathEmbedded (edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E, DynamicDualGraph &dual, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges) |
void | removeEdgePathEmbedded (CombinatorialEmbedding &E, edge eOrig, FaceSet< false > &newFaces) |
| Removes the complete edge path for edge eOrig while preserving the embedding.
void | removeEdgePathEmbedded (CombinatorialEmbedding &E, DynamicDualGraph &dual, edge eOrig) |
void | init (const Graph &G) |
| Re-initializes the copy using the graph G .
void | createEmpty (const Graph &G) |
| Associates the graph copy with G , but does not create any nodes or edges.
void | initByCC (const CCsInfo &info, int cc, EdgeArray< edge > &eCopy) |
| Initializes the graph copy for the nodes in component cc .
void | initByNodes (const List< node > &origNodes, EdgeArray< edge > &eCopy) |
| Initializes the graph copy for the nodes in a component.
void | initByActiveNodes (const List< node > &nodeList, const NodeArray< bool > &activeNodes, EdgeArray< edge > &eCopy) |
| Initializes the graph copy for the nodes in nodeList .
GraphCopy & | operator= (const GraphCopy &GC) |
| Assignment operator.
| Graph () |
| Constructs an empty graph.
| Graph (const Graph &G) |
| Constructs a graph that is a copy of G .
virtual | ~Graph () |
| Destructor.
bool | empty () const |
| Returns true iff the graph is empty, i.e., contains no nodes.
int | numberOfNodes () const |
| Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
int | numberOfEdges () const |
| Returns the number of edges in the graph.
int | maxNodeIndex () const |
| Returns the largest used node index.
int | maxEdgeIndex () const |
| Returns the largest used edge index.
int | maxAdjEntryIndex () const |
| Returns the largest used adjEntry index.
int | nodeArrayTableSize () const |
| Returns the table size of node arrays associated with this graph.
int | edgeArrayTableSize () const |
| Returns the table size of edge arrays associated with this graph.
int | adjEntryArrayTableSize () const |
| Returns the table size of adjEntry arrays associated with this graph.
node | firstNode () const |
| Returns the first node in the list of all nodes.
node | lastNode () const |
| Returns the last node in the list of all nodes.
edge | firstEdge () const |
| Returns the first edge in the list of all edges.
edge | lastEdge () const |
| Returns the last edge in the list of all edges.
node | chooseNode (std::function< bool(node)> includeNode=[](node) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) const |
| Returns a random node.
edge | chooseEdge (std::function< bool(edge)> includeEdge=[](edge) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) const |
| Returns a random edge.
template<class CONTAINER > |
void | allNodes (CONTAINER &nodeContainer) const |
| Returns a container with all nodes of the graph.
template<class CONTAINER > |
void | allEdges (CONTAINER &edgeContainer) const |
| Returns a container with all edges of the graph.
node | newNode () |
| Creates a new node and returns it.
node | newNode (int index) |
| Creates a new node with predefined index and returns it.
edge | newEdge (node v, node w) |
| Creates a new edge (v ,w ) and returns it.
edge | newEdge (node v, node w, int index) |
| Creates a new edge (v ,w ) with predefined index and returns it.
edge | newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir=Direction::after) |
| Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists.
edge | newEdge (node v, adjEntry adjTgt) |
| Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists.
edge | newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, node w) |
| Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists.
void | insert (const Graph &G, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap) |
| Inserts Graph G as a subgraph into this Graph.
void | insert (const Graph &G) |
| Inserts Graph G as a subgraph into this Graph.
void | unsplit (node u) |
| Undoes a split operation.
node | splitNode (adjEntry adjStartLeft, adjEntry adjStartRight) |
| Splits a node while preserving the order of adjacency entries.
node | contract (edge e, bool keepSelfLoops=false) |
| Contracts edge e while preserving the order of adjacency entries.
void | move (edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dirSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dirTgt) |
| Moves edge e to a different adjacency list.
void | moveTarget (edge e, node w) |
| Moves the target node of edge e to node w .
void | moveTarget (edge e, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir) |
| Moves the target node of edge e to a specific position in an adjacency list.
void | moveSource (edge e, node w) |
| Moves the source node of edge e to node w .
void | moveSource (edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dir) |
| Moves the source node of edge e to a specific position in an adjacency list.
edge | searchEdge (node v, node w, bool directed=false) const |
| Searches and returns an edge connecting nodes v and w in time O( min(deg(v ), deg(w ))).
void | reverseEdge (edge e) |
| Reverses the edge e , i.e., exchanges source and target node.
void | reverseAllEdges () |
| Reverses all edges in the graph.
template<class NODELIST > |
void | collapse (NODELIST &nodesToCollapse) |
| Collapses all nodes in the list nodesToCollapse to the first node in the list.
template<class ADJ_ENTRY_LIST > |
void | sort (node v, const ADJ_ENTRY_LIST &newOrder) |
| Sorts the adjacency list of node v according to newOrder .
void | reverseAdjEdges (node v) |
| Reverses the adjacency list of v .
void | moveAdj (adjEntry adjMove, Direction dir, adjEntry adjPos) |
| Moves adjacency entry adjMove before or after adjPos .
void | moveAdjAfter (adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjAfter) |
| Moves adjacency entry adjMove after adjAfter .
void | moveAdjBefore (adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjBefore) |
| Moves adjacency entry adjMove before adjBefore .
void | reverseAdjEdges () |
| Reverses all adjacency lists.
void | swapAdjEdges (adjEntry adj1, adjEntry adj2) |
| Exchanges two entries in an adjacency list.
int | genus () const |
| Returns the genus of the graph's embedding.
bool | representsCombEmbedding () const |
| Returns true iff the graph represents a combinatorial embedding.
ListIterator< NodeArrayBase * > | registerArray (NodeArrayBase *pNodeArray) const |
| Registers a node array.
ListIterator< EdgeArrayBase * > | registerArray (EdgeArrayBase *pEdgeArray) const |
| Registers an edge array.
ListIterator< AdjEntryArrayBase * > | registerArray (AdjEntryArrayBase *pAdjArray) const |
| Registers an adjEntry array.
ListIterator< GraphObserver * > | registerStructure (GraphObserver *pStructure) const |
| Registers a graph observer (e.g. a ClusterGraph).
void | unregisterArray (ListIterator< NodeArrayBase * > it) const |
| Unregisters a node array.
void | unregisterArray (ListIterator< EdgeArrayBase * > it) const |
| Unregisters an edge array.
void | unregisterArray (ListIterator< AdjEntryArrayBase * > it) const |
| Unregisters an adjEntry array.
void | unregisterStructure (ListIterator< GraphObserver * > it) const |
| Unregisters a graph observer.
template<class ArrayBase > |
void | moveRegisterArray (ListIterator< ArrayBase * > it, ArrayBase *pArray) const |
| Move the registration it of an graph element array to pArray (used with move semantics for graph element arrays).
void | resetEdgeIdCount (int maxId) |
| Resets the edge id count to maxId .
Graph & | operator= (const Graph &G) |
| Assignment operator.