static void | adjEntryForNode (adjEntry &ae, ListIterator< adjEntry > &before, const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, const NodeArray< T > &thickness, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, const T &delta_u, const T &delta_d, adjEntry &adjExternal) |
static void | bottomUpThickness (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, const node &mu, NodeArray< T > &thickness, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength) |
static void | expandEdge (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, const NodeArray< T > &thickness, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, const T &delta_u, const T &delta_d, adjEntry &adjExternal, const node &n=nullptr) |
static void | expandEdgePNode (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, const NodeArray< T > &thickness, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, const T &delta_u, const T &delta_d, adjEntry &adjExternal) |
static void | expandEdgeRNode (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, const NodeArray< T > &thickness, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, const T &delta_u, const T &delta_d, adjEntry &adjExternal, const node &n=nullptr) |
static void | expandEdgeSNode (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, const NodeArray< T > &thickness, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, const T &delta_u, const T &delta_d, adjEntry &adjExternal) |
static bool | sssp (const Graph &G, const node &s, const EdgeArray< T > &length, NodeArray< T > &d) |
static void | compute (const Graph &G, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const EdgeArray< T > &edgeLength, StaticSPQRTree *spqrTree, NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLengthSkel) |
| Computes the component lengths of all virtual edges in spqrTree.
static T | computeSize (const Graph &G, const node &n, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const EdgeArray< T > &edgeLength) |
| Returns the size of a maximum external face in G containing the node n .
static T | computeSize (const Graph &G, const node &n, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const EdgeArray< T > &edgeLength, StaticSPQRTree *spqrTree) |
| Returns the size of a maximum external face in G containing the node n .
static T | computeSize (const Graph &G, const node &n, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const EdgeArray< T > &edgeLength, StaticSPQRTree *spqrTree, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLengthSkel) |
| Returns the size of a maximum external face in G containing the node n .
static T | computeSize (const Graph &G, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const EdgeArray< T > &edgeLength) |
| Returns the size of a maximum external face in G .
static T | computeSize (const Graph &G, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const EdgeArray< T > &edgeLength, StaticSPQRTree *spqrTree, NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLengthSkel) |
| Returns the size of a maximum external face in G .
static void | embed (Graph &G, adjEntry &adjExternal, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const EdgeArray< T > &edgeLength, const node &n=nullptr) |
| Embeds G by computing and extending a maximum face in G containing n .
static void | adjEntryForNode (adjEntry &ae, ListIterator< adjEntry > &before, const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, adjEntry &adjExternal) |
static void | bottomUpTraversal (StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, const node &mu, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength) |
| Bottom up traversal of SPQR-tree computing the component length of all non-reference edges.
static void | expandEdge (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, adjEntry &adjExternal, const node &n=nullptr) |
static void | expandEdgePNode (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, adjEntry &adjExternal) |
static void | expandEdgeRNode (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, adjEntry &adjExternal, const node &n) |
static void | expandEdgeSNode (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, NodeArray< bool > &treeNodeTreated, const node &mu, const node &leftNode, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength, NodeArray< List< adjEntry > > &newOrder, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArraySource, NodeArray< ListIterator< adjEntry > > &adjBeforeNodeArrayTarget, adjEntry &adjExternal) |
static T | largestFaceContainingNode (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, const node &mu, const node &n, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength) |
| Computes the size of a maximum face in the skeleton graph of mu containing n .
static T | largestFaceInSkeleton (const StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, const node &mu, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, const NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength) |
| Computes the size of a maximum face in the skeleton graph of mu .
static void | topDownTraversal (StaticSPQRTree &spqrTree, const node &mu, const NodeArray< T > &nodeLength, NodeArray< EdgeArray< T > > &edgeLength) |
| Top down traversal of SPQR-tree computing the component length of all reference edges.