This is the complete list of members for pugi::xml_node, including all inherited members.
_root | pugi::xml_node | protected |
append_attribute(const char_t *name) | pugi::xml_node | |
append_buffer(const void *contents, size_t size, unsigned int options=parse_default, xml_encoding encoding=encoding_auto) | pugi::xml_node | |
append_child(xml_node_type type=node_element) | pugi::xml_node | |
append_child(const char_t *name) | pugi::xml_node | |
append_copy(const xml_attribute &proto) | pugi::xml_node | |
append_copy(const xml_node &proto) | pugi::xml_node | |
append_move(const xml_node &moved) | pugi::xml_node | |
attribute(const char_t *name) const | pugi::xml_node | |
attribute(const char_t *name, xml_attribute &hint) const | pugi::xml_node | |
attribute_iterator typedef | pugi::xml_node | |
attributes() const | pugi::xml_node | |
attributes_begin() const | pugi::xml_node | |
attributes_end() const | pugi::xml_node | |
begin() const | pugi::xml_node | |
child(const char_t *name) const | pugi::xml_node | |
child_value() const | pugi::xml_node | |
child_value(const char_t *name) const | pugi::xml_node | |
children() const | pugi::xml_node | |
children(const char_t *name) const | pugi::xml_node | |
empty() const | pugi::xml_node | |
end() const | pugi::xml_node | |
find_attribute(Predicate pred) const | pugi::xml_node | inline |
find_child(Predicate pred) const | pugi::xml_node | inline |
find_child_by_attribute(const char_t *name, const char_t *attr_name, const char_t *attr_value) const | pugi::xml_node | |
find_child_by_attribute(const char_t *attr_name, const char_t *attr_value) const | pugi::xml_node | |
find_node(Predicate pred) const | pugi::xml_node | inline |
first_attribute() const | pugi::xml_node | |
first_child() const | pugi::xml_node | |
first_element_by_path(const char_t *path, char_t delimiter='/') const | pugi::xml_node | |
hash_value() const | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_attribute_after(const char_t *name, const xml_attribute &attr) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_attribute_before(const char_t *name, const xml_attribute &attr) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_child_after(xml_node_type type, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_child_after(const char_t *name, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_child_before(xml_node_type type, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_child_before(const char_t *name, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_copy_after(const xml_attribute &proto, const xml_attribute &attr) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_copy_after(const xml_node &proto, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_copy_before(const xml_attribute &proto, const xml_attribute &attr) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_copy_before(const xml_node &proto, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_move_after(const xml_node &moved, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
insert_move_before(const xml_node &moved, const xml_node &node) | pugi::xml_node | |
internal_object() const | pugi::xml_node | |
iterator typedef | pugi::xml_node | |
last_attribute() const | pugi::xml_node | |
last_child() const | pugi::xml_node | |
name() const | pugi::xml_node | |
next_sibling() const | pugi::xml_node | |
next_sibling(const char_t *name) const | pugi::xml_node | |
offset_debug() const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator unspecified_bool_type() const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator!() const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator!=(const xml_node &r) const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator<(const xml_node &r) const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator<=(const xml_node &r) const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator==(const xml_node &r) const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator>(const xml_node &r) const | pugi::xml_node | |
operator>=(const xml_node &r) const | pugi::xml_node | |
parent() const | pugi::xml_node | |
path(char_t delimiter='/') const | pugi::xml_node | |
prepend_attribute(const char_t *name) | pugi::xml_node | |
prepend_child(xml_node_type type=node_element) | pugi::xml_node | |
prepend_child(const char_t *name) | pugi::xml_node | |
prepend_copy(const xml_attribute &proto) | pugi::xml_node | |
prepend_copy(const xml_node &proto) | pugi::xml_node | |
prepend_move(const xml_node &moved) | pugi::xml_node | |
previous_sibling() const | pugi::xml_node | |
previous_sibling(const char_t *name) const | pugi::xml_node | |
print(xml_writer &writer, const char_t *indent=PUGIXML_TEXT("\t"), unsigned int flags=format_default, xml_encoding encoding=encoding_auto, unsigned int depth=0) const | pugi::xml_node | |
print(std::basic_ostream< char, std::char_traits< char > > &os, const char_t *indent=PUGIXML_TEXT("\t"), unsigned int flags=format_default, xml_encoding encoding=encoding_auto, unsigned int depth=0) const | pugi::xml_node | |
print(std::basic_ostream< wchar_t, std::char_traits< wchar_t > > &os, const char_t *indent=PUGIXML_TEXT("\t"), unsigned int flags=format_default, unsigned int depth=0) const | pugi::xml_node | |
remove_attribute(const xml_attribute &a) | pugi::xml_node | |
remove_attribute(const char_t *name) | pugi::xml_node | |
remove_child(const xml_node &n) | pugi::xml_node | |
remove_child(const char_t *name) | pugi::xml_node | |
root() const | pugi::xml_node | |
select_node(const char_t *query, xpath_variable_set *variables=0) const | pugi::xml_node | |
select_node(const xpath_query &query) const | pugi::xml_node | |
select_nodes(const char_t *query, xpath_variable_set *variables=0) const | pugi::xml_node | |
select_nodes(const xpath_query &query) const | pugi::xml_node | |
select_single_node(const char_t *query, xpath_variable_set *variables=0) const | pugi::xml_node | |
select_single_node(const xpath_query &query) const | pugi::xml_node | |
set_name(const char_t *rhs) | pugi::xml_node | |
set_value(const char_t *rhs) | pugi::xml_node | |
text() const | pugi::xml_node | |
traverse(xml_tree_walker &walker) | pugi::xml_node | |
type() const | pugi::xml_node | |
unspecified_bool_type typedef | pugi::xml_node | protected |
value() const | pugi::xml_node | |
xml_attribute_iterator | pugi::xml_node | friend |
xml_named_node_iterator | pugi::xml_node | friend |
xml_node() | pugi::xml_node | |
xml_node(xml_node_struct *p) | pugi::xml_node | explicit |
xml_node_iterator | pugi::xml_node | friend |