Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

No Matches
ogdf::Queue< E > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ogdf::Queue< E >, including all inherited members.

append(const E &x)ogdf::Queue< E >inline
back() constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
back()ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
backIterator()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
backIterator() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
begin()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
begin() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
bottom() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
bottom()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
bucketSort(int l, int h, BucketFunc< E > &f)ogdf::SListPure< E >private
bucketSort(BucketFunc< E > &f)ogdf::SListPure< E >private
cbegin() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
cend() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
chooseElement(std::function< bool(const E &)> includeElement=[](const E &) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
chooseElement(std::function< bool(const E &)> includeElement=[](const E &) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
chooseIterator(std::function< bool(const E &)> includeElement=[](const E &) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
chooseIterator(std::function< bool(const E &)> includeElement=[](const E &) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
clear()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
conc(SList< E > &L2)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::conc(SListPure< E > &L2)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
const_iterator typedefogdf::Queue< E >
const_reference typedefogdf::Queue< E >
copy(const SListPure< E > &L)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
cyclicSucc(const_iterator it) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
cyclicSucc(iterator it)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
delSucc(SListIterator< E > itBefore)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::delSucc(iterator itBefore)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
emplace(Args &&... args)ogdf::Queue< E >inline
emplaceBack(Args &&... args)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
emplaceFront(Args &&... args)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
empty() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
end()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
end() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
front() constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
front()ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
get(int pos) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
get(int pos)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
getList() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
getSListPure() constogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
insertAfter(const E &x, SListIterator< E > itBefore)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::insertAfter(const E &x, iterator itBefore)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
iterator typedefogdf::Queue< E >
m_countogdf::SList< E >private
m_headogdf::SListPure< E >private
m_tailogdf::SListPure< E >private
moveFrontToBack(SList< E > &L2)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::moveFrontToBack(SListPure< E > &L2)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
moveFrontToFront(SList< E > &L2)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::moveFrontToFront(SListPure< E > &L2)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
moveFrontToSucc(SList< E > &L2, SListIterator< E > itBefore)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::moveFrontToSucc(SListPure< E > &L2, iterator itBefore)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
operator!=(const SList< E > &L) constogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::operator!=(const SListPure< E > &L) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
operator=(const Queue< E > &Q)ogdf::Queue< E >inline
operator=(Queue< E > &&Q)ogdf::Queue< E >inline
ogdf::SList::operator=(const SList< E > &L)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SList::operator=(SList< E > &&L)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::operator=(const SListPure< E > &L)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::operator=(SListPure< E > &&L)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
operator==(const SList< E > &L) constogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
ogdf::SListPure::operator==(const SListPure< E > &L) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
permute()ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
permute(RNG &rng)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
permute(const int n, RNG &rng)ogdf::SListPure< E >private
pop()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
popFront()ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
popFrontRet()ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
pos(const_iterator it) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
pushBack(const E &x)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
pushFront(const E &x)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
Queue()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
Queue(std::initializer_list< E > initList)ogdf::Queue< E >inline
Queue(const Queue< E > &Q)ogdf::Queue< E >inline
Queue(Queue< E > &&Q)ogdf::Queue< E >inline
quicksort()ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
quicksort(const COMPARER &comp)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
reassignListRefs(SListElement< E > *start=nullptr)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
reference typedefogdf::Queue< E >
reverse()ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
search(const E &e) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
search(const E &e)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
search(const E &e, const COMPARER &comp) constogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
search(const E &e, const COMPARER &comp)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
size() constogdf::Queue< E >inlinevirtual
SList()ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
SList(std::initializer_list< E > init)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
SList(const SList< E > &L)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
SList(SList< E > &&L)ogdf::SList< E >inlineprivate
SListPure()ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
SListPure(std::initializer_list< E > init)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
SListPure(const SListPure< E > &L)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
SListPure(SListPure< E > &&L)ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivate
top() constogdf::Queue< E >inline
top()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
value_type typedefogdf::Queue< E >
~Queue()ogdf::Queue< E >inline
~SListPure()ogdf::SListPure< E >inlineprivatevirtual